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Boys went to Wankhede for practice and Ammu IS SLEEPING peacefully after soo long,and her amazing cum peaceful sleep was disturbed by her best friend The Great Niharika Agarwal!!! oops Nikarika Gill!! Our Niharika is 5 months Pregnant and her pregnancy hormones are killing literally everyone

Nia came and knocked the door, ammu lazily shouted come in

''Breakfast is ready, care to join'' Nia said

ammu immediately got up ''Nia how many days?'' 

''what how many days?'' Nia asked

''before leaving I told about it to u and dhru right'' she said

''for your information Miss.Amrutha Chowdary, u did not tell me what happened, you just said you are leaving country that night and you said you will tell us later and u suddenly disappeared!!! I thought of calling to Ric and ask about you, but I couldn;t just because of one fucking promise I gave to u'' she yelled

''I know Nia, it was my mistake to disappear and I have an explanation, but just give me some time'' Ammu said

''how much time Ammu? 2 years weren't sufficient for you to explain us why u left?''she said

''do u atleast know how it was for us and Abhay to be without you, just bcoz of our friendship I supported you on leaving or else I would have killed you already'' she said with tears in her eyes

''okay does Shub and Mandy know about this?'' Ammu asked

''u think we'll break your promise?'' Nia asked and ammu moved her head negatively

''chlo lets eat breakfast, u haven't eaten anything since yesterday morning'' Nia said and Ammu said 15 mins and went inside washroom.

After 15 min,

''areh waah, u came exactly in 15 min'' Nia said in surprised tone

''I became punctual'' Ammu said sheepishlyit's not something u should be shameful of'' Nia said and they both were about to start their breakfast and door bell rang, it was Dhru and Priya

'' having breakfast without me bitch?'' dhru said

''why shd we involve you all the time?'' Nia said

''what do you mean by we?'' priya asked

''we as in me and Ammu'' Nia said

''you guys are back to normal?'' Priya asked

''yahhhh!!!'' Nia said not meeting Dhru's eyes

''bloody donkey, we planned to make her regret her decision and now, u changed the party?'' Dhru asked

''woo..... who can resist Ammu's charm ?'' Nia said winking at Ammu 

''bullshit'' Dhru said and rolled her eyes at Nia, Dhru came and sat on other side of Ammu

''hey girlfriend, didn't u missed me?'' dhru asked

''I did '' Ammu replied, they were amused by her reply, cuz Ammu is never a short reply person

''guyss!! aren't we getting late ?'' dhru said looking at her phone

''I looked at mine and said Nia, come to hospital by 11-ish okay?'' Ammu said and went to kitchen to wash her plate

''guys, have u observed it?'' Dhru said whispering

''what?'' we both mummbled

''Ammu just spoke 2 times in whole 5 mins'' Dhri said

WHEN YOU CAME INTO MY LIFE❤❤ (Completed) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя