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Shub's POV:

''NIA'' that's the only word I said and my eyes became moist

I instantly grabbed her face and cupped them between my palms, but she instantly took off and said I am sorry but I don't remember you................ That's it my world crashed right in front of me, my heart broke into millions of pieces

Meanwhile Ishu came back to his place and gave me a weird look

'' shub yaar , what are u doing?'' Ishu asked looking confused,

''Umm nothing'' I said got off from the seat and went back to mine

I can't believe it, she is right in front of me, I can't leave her, She is the only girl who can bring back the old Shubman Gill.

Nia's POV:

After this lie full conversation with them I could not sit there anymore, I still Love him, He is my love, He is my life the only thing which I never get bored off is him, The only song I will love forever and ever is his heartbeat and now seeing him in tears that to because of me is something which I can never accept.

With this heavy thoughts I excused myself and went to the rest room

By the time I returned everyone were sleeping , Everyone in my sense include ICT except few members like Ishan

''Soo where are u heading too?'' Ishan asked

'' Hyd and u guys?''  I asked sounding very polite

'' We have few interviews in Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore and then we head to our respective places'' he said and I nodded

'' U seriously watch cricket?'' he asked with a suspicion

'' yahhh but I stopped watching it'' I said and he nodded and very gladly he did not disturb me later

After sometime  I started watching some random movie 

Dhru's POV:

I am on my way to airport, Jessy is accompanying me.

Does she think I am a kid?No I am not ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, well may be I am!! ok ok no more mental argument 

'' take care okay, don't be over excited, take ur tablets on time, don't miss ur meal'' She said to me

'' Okay mumma'' I said teasing her and we both shared a small laugh

''hey, can I ask u something?'' I asked her

''since when did u start asking for my permission Ms.Dixit?'' she said. his thoughts flooded in my brain at that sec. Unknowingly a smile crept on my face, the way he used to flirt with me, the way he used to say Ms.Dixit ............................. I miss him soo much, I know he said rude things to me but i miss him.

''ohh Madam..Are you asleep? we reached'' She said and pulled me out of my dream world

yah yahh I said and got down, after some formalities, some good byes, some hugs and gifts exchange I left LONDON after 5 years

Mandy's POV:

We won our cup and I am soo happy, Komal di called abhay and she said she met ammu in California, he was soo happy and he is smiling widely from past 2hrs

Really, it's been more than 2 years seeing him smiling truthfully, last time was ,when Sania di gave birth to Amyra, and I am really happy for him

We all are happy that we met  Nia ,but sad part is she doesn't remember what happened, but I don't think that's true, I think she is lying , I need to find it out

WHEN YOU CAME INTO MY LIFE❤❤ (Completed) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ