Chapter 6

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Tobirama stared at his partner, this would be their last mission together, he wondered if she knew this. He had only found out this morning that it would be their last mission together. They had done so well working together on the first mission Tsunade gave them that she continued to give them more missions that were for only them. However, deep down he wished he could continue going on missions with her as a duo. It wasn't hard for him to admit in his mind that he was attached to the odd young woman. In actual words to another living being, yeah that wasn't going to happen. Most of their missions together had been to track down intel on the woman called death, but there was never anything to find by the time they got there.

He knew it was rough on her, but never once did she lose her edge. She just kept pushing on and held her head high. He definitely admired her for that internal strength alone. However this mission was different from all of those before and he had a sneaking suspicion this one was chosen specifically for them by a group of people rather than just Tsunade.

This one was one of those inevitable ones, the bride and the groom types where someone was targeting the engaged couple. It just happened to be the fire Daimyo's daughter that was getting married and she looked like Hinata. Hinata was supposed to act as his daughter and kill the one who threatened the life of the Daimyo's daughter.

He on the other hand was the bodyguard for the fire Daimyo's "daughter". He sighed and rubbed his brow as he walked into his new home, he felt a bit bad; he'd already moved his things into the new place so Hinata could go back to living with her annoying Uchiha friend, Sasuke. He packed his few things and smirked when his fingers brushed over his armor.

It had been repaired and returned to him. He clicked it into place and turned a few times to get used to wearing it again, it had been a while since he had and it felt good to wear it again. The fuzzy boa around his neck was soft and it gave him a sense of comfort nothing in this time could ever succeed in giving him. It had been a gift from his brother and he cherished it greatly.

He felt eyes on him and he turned to see Hinata in his doorway. "Hey brat." He said and she hmph'd her own greeting. "Seems you were eager to move out..." she said and he shrugged lightly. He turned to start packing again and he heard her leave without a single word, he guessed that hadn't been the answer she was looking for. He finished packing and grabbed his backpack and slung it over his shoulder.

Obviously she knew this was their last mission. He arrived at the gates and she was already there. Izumo and Kotetsu were talking animatedly towards her and she cracked a smile, but the moment she saw him the smile vanished like she had seen that woman. Izumo reached out and grabbed her hand and placed his lips to it gently. Kotetsu looked at his friend with wide eyes and appeared to want to run.

Hinata had a pink blush coating her cheeks. Tobirama sniffed in annoyance, this was not the time for this. "Come on brat." He said and strolled out the gate. Hinata frowned, but she followed Tobirama out of the village. Izumo watched with a frown as her head dropped and he heard her grit her teeth. His eyes became downcast and he fisted his hands.

"He treats her like a child, a small insignificant child and the only thing she is good for is annoying him. How dare he! He doesn't know what he's got following him!" he snapped and Kotetsu dropped his bottle of syrup and blinked at his friend in surprise.

"This is her last mission with him, so you'll get your chance soon enough. That is if Kakashi doesn't swoop in like Naruto complains he's been trying." Kotetsu sighed and Izumo looked at him oddly. "You really think she would ever even look at me like she looks at him? I'm a chunnin... she's Anbu... what do I have that would ever make her look my way?" he asked and Kotetsu grinned.

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