Untitled Part 10

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I don't own Naruto!

Hinata rolled her eyes as she was now pretty much dragging Tobirama back to the village. He was watching her the entire time and it was making her nervous. "What?" she snapped, a pink blush dusting over her cheeks. He sighed. "Damn... I figured that maybe dying would scare a bit of that attitude out of you." He grumbled and she snorted arrogantly. "Look at you, you have died and yet you're still a grumpy ass dinosaur. Nothing changed about you, so why should it change me?" she asked and he watched her look away from him with an agitated look on her face.

"Actually, you're wrong, being dead did change me..." he said and she didn't even look at him. "How so?" she asked, staring at the stars in the night sky, like beacons in the dark to guide the lost. The moon was brighter in the sky tonight, as if proud that the best side had won the feud. "I became... slightly fearful of being alone." He said and she looked at him. "I see... forgive me..." she said and he looked at her oddly but she grinned. "I promise you will never be alone again." She said and he huffed and looked away from her.

"If you think you are going to be staying by my side forever, I have something else for you. Not... Going to happen... ever." He grumbled and she glared at him. "You're such an ass." She snapped and he raised a brow at her. "And you're just learning of this now?" he asked and her brow twitched. "No... no I knew... but I thought you would be a little more grateful to me." she hissed and he smirked at her. "And what would I ever be grateful for you for?" he asked, genuinely curious.

He watched as her eyebrow twitched and her right hand twitched as well. He decided that he had rested on her enough to start walking on his own again. "Can I have my armor back?" he asked as he reached for the hitai-ate and his armor, but a blade slashed down at his hand. "No. I rather like your armor." She said and Tobirama glared at her. "Listen here little girl...I want my armor back." He ground out and she smirked wickedly.

"Well, if you truly want it back, take it from me ya damn dinosaur!" she laughed as Izumo and Kotetsu had run out to welcome them back, but then they turned tail and ran back to the Hokage tower. They obviously knew that the two were going to be having one of their famous...well infamous, spats right outside the village again. "Do they ever stop arguing?" Kotetsu yelled and Izumo grinned. "Nah, its called tough love! They're gonna have to show it somehow!" he laughed as they ran.

Hinata grinned as Tobirama jolted forth, you couldn't quite call it running, but it was still fast even if he were slightly hindered by the injury to his side. Hinata twisted to the side to avoid his fist and he grabbed her ankle as she twisted and he threw her back towards a tree, but she didn't hit it like he had wanted her to instead she landed on it with her feet and propelled herself off of it to go flying right back at him. She flipped forwards and her leg came over her head and collided hard with Tobirama's arms.

He tossed her backwards and appeared behind her and grabbed her in a headlock, which she turned on him in and her knee came flying upwards and he flipped backwards to avoid the knee that was aimed for his groin. He sighed in relief when he hit the ground. "You are very accustomed to playing dirty, aren't you?" he asked with a relieved look. She laughed loudly and nodded as she appeared behind him and he hit the ground face first and she did a dual knee drop on his back.

The air rushed from his lungs and he grumbled into the dirt. "Damn it woman... are you trying to break me?" he ground out and she clasped her hands behind her back and she leaned down to look at him with an adorable look of innocence on her face. A soft smile broke out on her lips and she giggled. He sat cross legged and he blinked, he hadn't noticed how loose his armor was on her and when she bent over like that, there was a large amount of cleavage shown. Other than the whole cleavage thing, she was adorable as a whole in his armor.

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