Untitled Part 12

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I don't own Naruto.

I bet you all thought I was just gonna leave it at the kiss, didn't you? Now what fun would that be? Not any at all. I believe this deserves a better ending than that, my lovelies!

Tobirama watched Hinata as she made her way over to him. She hadn't seemed to remember anything from the night of his birthday, which was a bit of a relief for him. Not in the fact he hadn't wanted her to know how he felt for her, but more so in the way of that was not how he wanted to tell her that. He also didn't want her to think he said that just because she had sacrificed herself for him. He watched as she got ever closer and offered a small smile to him. "You wanted to talk to me?" he asked and she nodded. Something deep within him was worried that this was about that night, but he wasn't sure.

"So, Neji and Tenten didn't wait long to pick up where they left off..." She began and he nodded. He had seen the two of them together and couldn't help the soft smile that tried to cross his lips. He was happy for them. He and his brother had been enjoying the peace of this time and the fact they weren't having to fight all the time. His attention was brought back to her when she stopped walking next to him. He could tell she wanted to say something, but she seemed unsure. He opened his mouth to speak, but she cut him off. "They are planning their wedding and I wanted to know if you would go with me!" she blurted and he quirked a brow at her. He scanned over her to see if she had any other questions, but it didn't seem like she had any.

"So, like you're asking me to go as your date? Or as a friend?" he asked and she narrowed her eyes at him, a soft pink blush crossing over her cheeks. "Nevermind, I rescind the invitation." She grumbled and he could only smirk as he brushed his fingertips over her wrist. He couldn't help the smirk as she blushed a little darker. She cleared her throat softly and he watched her carefully. He enjoyed the way she reacted to his touch, he wanted to show her how he felt. He wanted nothing more than to feel her lips against his own once more, but he wasn't sure if it was truly what she wanted.

The whole drunk words are sober thoughts thing didn't apply to this. He wasn't sure how to truly go about it either way. He may have had a reputation as a massive flirt, but flirting is much different when you're trying to find a wife. He honestly wasn't sure how to go about it. He knew he wanted her, but his usual flirting routine was not going to work with her and he knew it. "I would be honored to attend their wedding with you." He muttered softly and she stared at him in surprise. He honestly felt as if it shouldn't come as a shock to her that he agreed. She smiled and hugged him tightly, which sent a calming feeling through his being.

When she stepped away, he could see it in her entire being that she was thrilled. She bowed to him lightly and took off in the opposite direction. He sighed and shook his head softly as he watched her go. The warmth from her hand still lingered on his own and he brushed his fingertips over that spot gently. what he wouldn't give to feel that every day for the rest of his life. It was settled then, he was going to figure out how to go about courting her. He looked up to the sky and thanked the Kami for the gift they had bestowed upon him. This second chance at life... perhaps he could truly be happy this time around.

Well, about as happy as he could be with his grouchy demeanor anyways. He chuckled to himself at this thought.


Hinata clutched her hands to her chest, trying her best to slow her racing heart. She was trying her best to force the thoughts out of her mind, but all she could think about was the night he kissed her. Had it actually even happened or was that something her alcohol overwhelmed mind had thought up. She so desperately wanted that... to be with him. It was all she could think about whenever she saw him. How she craved his touch, and not in a sexual manner. The rush she felt every time he touched her, she wanted that more than anything. She was also scared just because she didn't think he wanted the same. She knew he was possibly still chasing after whoever he had heard speak to him while he was trapped in limbo, so she didn't want to get in the way of that.

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