Souls Lost In Darkness

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This is the rework my lovelies!! I do not own Naruto.

:-:-: In the four years after the war:-:-:

Naruto ran around the village, he was searching for someone he hadn't seen for about six weeks now. He looked around her usual places but there was nothing of her anywhere, so he had gone to go find the next best thing, her two best friends. There was no doubt in his mind that she would be with them, she almost always was. He ran down the path leading to the Inuzuka estate and ignored the growls of all the Nin-dogs that were near, well that was until a dark war-torn hound landed before him and told him to halt, that made him stop alright. A goofy grin crossed his lips as he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

"I'm here for Kiba and Shino, have you seen them?" Naruto asked and the hound sniffed him once then released what seemed to him like an annoyed sigh. "Yeah, kid, they are here. I'll bring them to you; I refuse to have to chase down the pups again." The dog grumbled then hobbled off. Naruto laughed lightly and scratched his cheek slightly. He remembered that incident... Kiba had asked him to come over and was excited about the three litters of new pups.

One litter had ten pups, one had eight, and the last had five; Naruto loved puppies, just like the rest of Konoha it seemed. Everyone had been chattering about the new Inuzuka puppies and it hadn't been long before Kiba had asked him to come over. He and Naruto had become really good friends over the years, and that was the only reason he got to see the puppies before the rest of the village. They had gone into the puppies' area and Naruto, being himself and needing no further explanation, had forgotten to lock the gate. Every one of those puppies had taken off and vanished along the Inuzuka property.

It hadn't been long before the huge war torn hound had found both Naruto and Kiba in the puppy pen. The horror on their faces was fitting, because then not only had the dog shown up, Tsume Inuzuka had dropped down and began yelling at the two teenagers. Needless to say, they had both spent an entire day trying to find the pups. It was not fun chasing untrained Nin-dogs across the massive property.

Naruto snapped himself out of his reminiscing because before he knew it both Kiba and Shino were jogging down the path from the compound.

"Hey, Naruto, what's up?" Kiba asked and Naruto smiled at him and opened his mouth to speak but Shino cut him off. "I believe he is looking for Hinata-chan." Shino said and a slight blush crossed Naruto's cheeks. Kiba grinned widely. "Oh, that's how it is, is it?" Kiba laughed as he shook his head, his amusement soon died off though and he crossed his arms over his chest. Naruto didn't like the look that crossed the normally grinning males face. "She's hiding out at home... she hasn't done so well since the loss of Neji... she just... kinda fell apart." He sighed and Naruto's face fell. That hurt him deep down, he knew what that pain felt like and he had never wanted her to go through it.

"I knew she wasn't doing so well, but I was just hoping to be there to make it better." He said and Kiba stared at him for a moment, then waved for him to follow him. "C'mon, I can get you into the Hyuuga compound." He said and he led him all the way to Hinata's home, it wasn't a long trip but it was a quiet one. When they got there, Hanabi was there to greet them. The three of them were led right up to Hinata's room, and her father was the one who had led them there no less, it seemed he had been worried about her.

"Hey Hinata, there are some visitors here for you." Hiashi said and opened the door. Hinata was sitting on her bed, curled up under her blanket. The lights were out and they could tell she hadn't wanted to leave. It looked like she hadn't been out and about for a while. "Hinata, it's been long enough, you have to come outside now." Naruto said upon seeing her in this poor state. She looked over at him and her eyes were just so dull it broke his heart to see his friend this way. Sad hollow eyes peering from the bundle of blanket on the bed made his heart twinge.

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