Untitled Part 8

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I do not own naruto. Yet again i have found myself hoarding chapters and forgetting to update. my bad guys.

Hinata sat in her house, staring at the ceiling above her bed. She didn't feel like moving...she just felt like laying there and wasting away, she could never be happy with anyone or anything. She turned her head to the side and listened... to nothing. Silence enshrouded the empty house, the echo of nothingness that plagued her home drove her over the edge. The silence was deafening. She rolled over and crammed her face into the pillow the sound of her blanket rustling echoed around in her silent room.

She was scared to speak, because then her own voice would echo back at her like a taunting reminder that she had nothing. A taunting reminder that she had no one and that no one truly wanted to be near her. She hadn't expected for her friends to automatically be like 'oh yeah! Woo! Let's go hang out again Hinata-chan!' but she hadn't expected this either. This silence, nothingness that plagued her, she hadn't expected it to come back so soon. She was all alone now...no one truly cared...Izumo had left her and said it was for the best, so better, stronger people could come into her life and make her happy. He was full of shit, in her opinion.

Her stomach growled and she sighed as it too, echoed in her empty room. She tossed her legs over the edge of her bed and slowly made her way to her door. Her fingers brushed over the cold metal of the knob and she sighed. She would like nothing more than to sit in her room all day and mope, but she had better things to do...her romance life had nothing to do with her goal, so she decided her main goal still needed to be killing that Haru woman.

She gently turned the knob and she had a sick feeling in her stomach. She walked out of her room and made her way down the stairs softly, so the deafening echo of her feet hitting the stairs wouldn't resound around her. She reached the bottom of her steps and saw someone at her table. She furrowed her brow as she saw the dark haired man turn towards her. She took a few steps back and her heart began to race. "Who are you?" she asked and he watched her with curiosity in his dark eyes. "My name...is Izuna... Izuna Uchiha." He said and she furrowed her brows. "I thought Sasuke was the last Uchiha." She said and he shrugged.

"You see, he probably was; but that matters not." Izuna said as he stood. Hinata watched him carefully, he was attractive; but he seemed to be one to be weary of. He strolled effortlessly over to her and cornered her in the corner by the steps. "You see, I have come here seeking your help. There is this woman... Haru...she is quite a problem and I heard you were searching for her." Izuna said and Hinata nodded. Izuna smiled, it seemed friendly enough as his fist propped him up against the wall. He tilted his head to the side and his other hand reached up and found its way under her chin.

"Would you assist in helping me rid myself of her?" he asked and she shivered involuntarily as his warm breath washed over her neck. "Maybe... I could help..." she said and tried to move away from him but a sharp pain found its way in her side and her eyes went wide as she looked up to him. "Are you alright? What's wrong?" he asked and Hinata's eyes rolled up and she hit the floor he'd had to make himself seem as if it hadn't been him. When she would wake up, he would play savior and attempt to make her his little pawn in this new game he was playing... It was called... Kill Tobirama Senju. "Poor little Hyuuga girl... so easily swayed. You think you're so tough... but the innocence that you still hold is going to be your downfall." He chuckled as he lifted her off the ground.


Hinata jolted up and searched her surroundings. Her eyes darted to Izuna who ran over and crouched next to her. "Are you alright?!" he asked, his voice was filled with concern as he attempted to hold her up. She furrowed her brows lightly, she knew if she trusted this man; it would most likely be the death of her. She also knew that he knew the location of Haru, the woman who slaughtered her family. She saw trees outside the nearest window and her brow furrowed as she sat up. "What happened?" she asked, tearing her eyes away from the window for a moment.

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