Chapter 18 Rock my World

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~ Samantha ~

I opened my eyes and gaze at my digital clock sitting on my nightstand.

8:11 am

I am not a morning person but today is an exception because I'm in the mood to cook breakfast.

After a few attempts of removing Austin's arms around my waist, I successfully got out of his grip and made my way in the bathroom to freshen up.

Im a big mess in the morning. Bird-nest-looking hair, morning breath, oily face and a drool in the corner of my lips.

Until now I wonder what Austin saw in me. After all I'm just your typical plain and boring type of girl.

Grabbing my hair brush I did my best to brush out the tangles in my hair and threw it in a messy bun. I washed my face to wake me up and brushed my teeth to get rid of my morning breath.

After several minutes of freshening up I made my way in our kitchen and started to prepare food for our breakfast.

I decided to cook pancakes, sausages and bacons for breakfast. I gathered the pancake mix, water, bacon, and butter. I started to cook the pancake first while defrosting the bacon from the fridge.

Placing the last piece of pancake on the plate, I started to heat the pan and put oil to fry the bacon. Grabbing another clean plate for the bacon I can't help but think what happened last night.

( Flashback )

The air is cold but cuddling with Austin in this bed is enough body heat to make me feel warm and loved.

Its been a month since Austin told to the media that Ausmila is not and never will be a thing. After that interview me and Austin decided that if we want to make our bond stronger we should live in our own place together with our baby Kendra and create more memories as a happy family.

"I love this" I sighed closing my eyes

"Love what?" Austin said pulling me closer if thats even possible

"This, me and you together enjoying each others presence and the silence not awkward at all in fact its comforting. Isn't this wonderful, its like there are no problems bothering us even though in reality I don't know how to solve those problems" I said looking at him

"This is everything I've ever wanted, babe" he said "but theres also another thing that I want to do ever since the beginning"

Uh-oh this sounds serious.

"What is it?"

"You know I've been thinking about this for so long and I think its finally the time that we should tell the public about us"

"Austin do you think thats a good idea?" I asked

"Of course this is a good idea, isn't this what you want?"

"I know that this is what I want but I'm just worried , what about your career? telling the public about us can ruin everything that you have."

"Samantha, this is the right thing to do. If my fans really care about me they would accept you and if we keep this for so long it will just make things harder for us in the end. I just want to show and tell the world that you're mine."

"Wow Austin that's the sweetest thing I've ever heard in my life" I said

"I would do anything for you remember that." he said looking at me deeply in the eyes

I leaned forward and kissed him with passion and he returned the kiss with as much passion as I did. He deepened the kiss and we got lost in the heated moment.

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