Chapter 6 Left Alone

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~ Samantha ~

The light coming from the small kitchen window indicates that mom is at home. I know that talking to my mom is the right decision and also because she's the only person that I have at this moment.

Opening the door with the help of my spare key, I made my way in our kitchen. Surely mom is there standing beside our kitchen counter putting the plates on our top cabinet.

"Mom" I said and she spun around looking at me in shocked. I cant blame her. Anyone will be shocked to see her someone with make-up running down her face and wearing wet clothes.

"Omg Sam what happened?" she said making her way towards me

"Mom please dont be mad at me"

"Why? Tell me what happened but first go and take a shower. I will make you a cup of coffee" I nodded and proceeded upstairs to take a quick shower

After 15 minutes of taking a shower I relaxed just a bit. I changed to my pj's and went downstairs in our living room only to find my mom sitting on one of our couches with a cup of hot coffee in front of her. I walked towards her and sat on the couch next to her.

"Okay I want to know exactly what  happened" my mom said handing me the coffee

"Austin was mad at me so I run away and the rain started to pour but I dont care at all because I was hurt. I am too tired to even know what to do so I decided to go home and talk to you because I really don't know what to do anymore. You're the only one who understands me. I'm afraid that this will be the end of my relationship with Austin. Mom, I dont want it to end right now because this is a very hard time for me and I need him beside me" as I told her the story, everything that happened came flooding my mind and I can't help but to cry harder.

"Just be strong, but tell me why did Austin became mad at you because he will not be mad at you if you didn't do anything wrong, am I right?"

I have to tell her what happened at the dinner and that means I should also tell her about me being pregnant. This is harder than I ever expected especially that Austin is not here beside me.

"Mom please dont be mad at me" I said as I held both of her hands in mine

"Why? Just tell me sweetie" she said as she held my hand tighter.

I just hope that she will not be mad at me because I know that I will disappoint her with this news. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes for a moment before saying the news.

"Well something happened at Alex's birthday. Trust me mom I didn't want any of this to happen me and Austin was drunk and we dont know what we were doing--"

"Samantha, your point is?" my mom said and by the looks on her face she already know what im saying and she just want to hear it from my mouth. She looks like she's gonna explode any moment. My tears are like Niagara falls again and my whole body is shaking.

"Mom, I'm pregnant" Those three words are the hardest words that came out my mouth. I looked at my mom's face-- pale, wide eyed, and jaw dropped. Tears are also forming in the corner of her eyes. I never believed that there comes a time that she will cry because of me.

"What did you say?" my mom said losing her grip on my hands

"I'm carrying Austin's child mom, I'm so sorry" I said

She stood up and paced back and forth in front of me. I know at this moment that she is mad and disappointed in me. She can't even look me in the eyes anymore. Im a shame.

"You are carrying Austins child" my mom faced me and I nodded "I cant believe this is happening. I trusted you Samantha and I know you are smarter than that. You should know first what the consequences are. Don't you know that this will ruin your life? I didn't raise you to be like this. I agreed in your relationship with Austin because I know that you'll not disappoint me but I was wrong all along. For gods sake Samantha you are only 17 and pregnant, what do you know about raising a kid huh? You disappointed me."

I admit it, I really am a disappointment but the fact that it came from my mom hurts the most than hearing it from any other person. I can't believe that she is going to hate me this much. But I deserved it, I deserve to be hated.

"You know what, we need space right now. I need to think and clear my mind" with that she went upstairs leaving me.

She came back after carrying a bag. She is going to leave me, my mom is going to leave me because I'm pregnant and because I dissapointed her.

"Mom where are you going?"

"Im going at Richard's place at the moment to clear my mind to all the problems that you brought" she made her way to the door but I grabbed her hand and tried to stopped her

"Mom who is Richard?" I know this is not the time to asked questions like this but I cant help it

"I've known him for a month now, and we're dating"

"Mom you're dating without me knowing? That's why most of the time you're out, why didn't you tell me"

"So you're putting the blame on me. I need to be happy too and first of all I'm your mom, I'm too tired of being lonely that's why im living my life. And this is not about me this is about you. Why are you changing the situation? I'm leaving and I'm staying with him because there at least there I can be happy" she shouted at me

"Mom please dont leave me" she ignored me and made her way outside and she loosed my gripped on her arm. "I need you mom, I'm so sorry. I can't do this alone" I cried but it's too late. She already shut the door in front of my face leaving me all alone.

I leaned on the door and slowly slides until I reached the floor. I hugged my knees to my chest and cried. Now, I'm alone with nobody to comfort me.

"Why do people I love always leave me? Why do I need to suffer like these? You should have killed me instead. Whats the point of living if I am alone and worthless? You left me with nothing and I am broken." I shouted to nobody and cried until I felt weak that my own body can't handle it anymore.


chapter 6 is such a crap. I cant think properly and im losing Ideas and I apologize for that. And thanks for the reads again :)

for chapter 7 I need atleast 5 votes. Thank you and I love you cupcakes xx

Twitter: @acmpizzaunicorn


Edited: 03/04/17

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