Chapter 8 Little by Little

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~ Austin ~

I finally decided to visit Samantha today.  I got out of my car and walked towards her door. I knocked on her door but to my surprise it is not locked. So, I did not hesitate to enter their house.

The house is so dark and it feels like no one is inside. It is also very silent that you can hear a pin drop if you listen closely. The house is radiating loneliness which makes me worried about Samantha.

"Samantha, are you there?" I said but no one answered.

I continued to walk towards their living room when I heard a faint sound, more like sobbing. I followed the noise until I saw a silhouette of a person sitting on the couch.

I don't even know who the person is because its so dark but I have a pretty good guess of who it is. But why would a person sit in the darkness if the electricity is working?

Ignoring the thoughts on my mind I went near the silhouette. My guess is right, it is Samantha. However, It did not made me feel better knowing that she is crying and alone. I do not want to hear her cry anymore therefore I made my way to her and then sat beside her.

"Baby what's wrong?" I asked softly but I got no response.

Looking at her makes me want to kill myself right then and there. She looks so pale and weak. She looks lifeless. I can see it in her eyes that she's lonely and exhausted.

She's emotionally drained. Her tired eyes beg for a long and peaceful sleep. The streaks on her cheeks and her puffy and red eyes tell that she's been crying for god knows how long. Her soft and pink lips turned into a dry and pale lips. I am so stupid to let these things happen to her.

I didn't bother to talk afterwards. I just watched her stare at a blank wall in front of her. Minutes of pure silence passed by until I earned the guts to wrapped an arm around her shoulder. For the first time today, she reacted. She pulled her eyebrows into a frown and slowly look me in the eyes.

"What are you doing here?" she said. Her voice is raspy and hoarse like she just woke up from a slumber but the bags under her eyes showed that she haven't slept yet.

"I came here to talk to you"

"What do you want to talk about? Are you here to break up me?" Her voice quivered and tears are threatening to spill out of her eyes.

"No baby I'm not going to do that to you. I'm here to say sorry for what I did to you." I started "I know that I don't deserve to be forgiven but please give me another chance. Not chasing after you last night was a stupid mistake. I was just so confused at that time and I don't really know what to do. I am nothing without you beside me. I hurt you a lot and I'm the reason why you're like these. Please forgive and give me a chance to set things right."

She broke our stare and looked at the white tiled-floor. Then, I noticed a teardrop roll down her cheeks followed by another, then another. She is crying and I don't know if I'm the reason or not. Maybe she is too hurt for what I did that is why she is crying or that she's crying because she doesn't want me in her life anymore.

That thought breaks my heart and I will never forgive myself if it happens. I don't want to lose her. Not now that I already fell in love with her.

~ Samantha  ~

Austin is right here beside me. Just his presence makes me feel a lot better. I miss him so much. I don't know what I'd do with my life without him and I need him at time like this.

After I heard him asking for my forgiveness, I felt guilty. I mean first, he is worried about me and even made the effort to visit me when I thought that we are over. Second, he is not the reason why I'm like this. He is not at fault for whatever is happening to me right now. I'm being like this because of what happened between me and my mom and he has no ideas so he is blaming himself.

Secret Pregnancy ( Austin Mahone fan fiction )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora