Chapter 12 The Truth Revealed

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~ Austin  ~

I love Samantha. I will do anything for her just to be happy and I hate listening to her crying over the phone.

She's broken and I'm not there beside her comforting her and telling that everything is going to be okay.

It's just the first month of this tour and there are already way too many things that happened between us. Bad things to be exact.

Once again, I'm the sole reason why she's sad. I just hate myself for doing that all over again.

I promised myself and to her that I will not hurt her again but here I am trying to work things out between us.

She is my girlfriend, heck she is the mother of our future baby. she has the right to know what really happened especially that this involves our relationship.

FLASHBACK (you can read some of this flashback on chapter ten)

Rocco is discussing things about my publicity and I'm getting bored every minute not even paying attention on what the hell he's talking about.

"Once again we are here to discuss about your career, basically you need to stay on the limelight." He started then looked at me

"So you should always be the center of attention and by that we should create a rumor, a good and catchy rumor that will attract not just your fans but everyone around the world" he continued

"Then this rumor will spread worldwide and that's the time that you'll be the number one trend on twitter worldwide, you'll gonna be on magazine and for sure paparazzi will always be on your tail and of course lets not forget the fans that will for sure freak out. Then you're going to be invited to have an interview to answer all their questions and that's enough publicity for you" he rubbed his hands together just like how they do when the villains on the movies have evil plans

"sooo, your point here is?" I asked and he let out deep sigh

"The point is you will-" he was interrupted by the sound of the door opening and footsteps being heard walking towards us every second

"Hi everyone" they all said in synch and we all turned around to meet the different faces of five girls

"Hello girls! its nice to see all of you here today." Rocco started to hug each of them and I'm just there sitting bored to death. Typical me.

"So Austin." Rocco said catching my attention and I look up to him

"Yeah?" I said with a bored tone

"This is fifth harmony and you will be working with them during this 10 month tour." he said and he introduced me to each of them.

"As I was discussing to you a while ago, you need to gain publicity and fifth harmony is here to help you"

"So what are we supposed to do then?"

"Not really all of them" he said while I took a sip of water in front of me.

"What do you mean? I'm confused" I asked lost.

"Well this is Camila and she will help you gain a good amount of publicity by dating her."

I choked on my water. Literally choked on my water.

"What?" I asked after awhile.

"I said you should date Cam-"

"I know, I heard it but why? Isn't there another option for me to gain this publicity shit?"

"Austin watch your mouth!" my mom said as she entered the room.

"But mom I don't want to do it, you can't make me." I said annoyed as ever.

"Austin there's no other option. You badly need this publicity or else you'll be taken away from the limelight."

"But what about Samantha? She will be hurt."

"She agreed to be your girlfriend. She should understand what she got herself into." my mom said raising her voice a bit.

"And in all honesty it's just publicity dating. It's not like you're gonna marry each other anyways." Rocco said

I think about it, Rocco is right I'm not gonna marry her anyways and I love Samantha I will never leave her for anyone.


So I told Samantha everything that happened on that night and I'm hoping that she understands my situation right now.

~ Samantha's POV ~

I cried harder every time a word escapes from Austin's mouth.
I am so god damn stupid for thinking those kind of things. I trust him but I don't know why I assumed things way too much maybe I'm just paranoid that he will leave me just like that.

He told me the real story behind those things and I listened intently on what he said.

He said its for him to gain publicity and to stay on the spotlight of his career.

We talked it out and I understand him that's why we are back to normal now.

It's been two months since that happened that also means that I'm already two months pregnant.

Austin called everyday but only a short call because he's super busy but at least we got to talk with each other everyday now and I'm happy for that.

He updated me on what's happening on the tour and I know that he's happy on what he's doing right now because its his dream. As for me, well I'm doing great I've been visiting my doctor and she is always giving me advice every now and then.

I can say that I'm happy on my situation right now even if Austin is away from me. I know that he's heart is still mine.

Seven more months and I can finally hold my baby. I'm super nervous yet excited and can't wait to do things with her. I just hope that everything will be okay between me and Austin's mom when she becomes a grand mother.

For my mom I haven't talked to her and it hurts to think that she chose Richard over her daughter.

But I'm not going to stop and try to talk to her maybe now is not the right time to do it and I'm still not ready with what's going to happen is we talk now.

So as for now, I'm still enjoying my alone time with my baby and forgetting about the problems even if its only for a little bit of time.

Sorry for the long wait but here is chapter 12 it's very short and boring I promise to make chapter a lot more interesting.

Thanks for the 8k read I love you all!! And Austin's seconds headlining tour finally started if you're running for u girl I hope u get picked :)

Goal vote: 10
Twitter: @acmpizzaunicorn


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