Chapter 7 The Letter

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~ Austin ~

I dont know what happened. That night wasn't supposed to end like that. I was stupid for letting Samantha cry and I was an asshole for not chasing after her. It sucks to think that I hurt her. I didn't even do anything to comfort her after all the things that I promised her. I'm the worst boyfriend ever.

I regret everything that happened that night. After her confession on how my mom treated her, I was shocked. Who can blame me? I don't know how to react especially when you hear someone talks bad about your mom. So when she ran away, I immediately went back to our house to ask my mom what exactly happened.

I told her what Samantha had told me and she defended herself and told me that Samantha shouted at her that was why she reacted that way. I'm torn between my mom and my girlfriend. I dont know what and who to believe. I should not even be choosing between them in the first place.

After a lot of thinking that night, I came to the decision that I owe Samantha an apology not that I was against my mom's side. I just realized that I have a huge responsibility for her and that is to make her the happiest girl ever.




I kicked my blanket off of me as the rays of the sun blinded me. I made my way to my built in bathroom while looking at my digital clock in the process.

8:30 am

After thinking last night, I promised to myself that I will go to Samantha's house this morning and ask for her apology and make it up to her.

Walking out of the bathroom, I changed my clothes for the day and made my way to the kitchen to grab something to eat real quick but before I arrive at the kitchen my mom calls my name. I followed her voice which ends me in our living room.

"Hey mom whats up?" I said and sat on the couch opposite her

"We need to talk about something" she said while reading a letter about who-knows what. I have this feeling that this talk has something to do about my singing career because my manager walks in and sits beside my mom.

"Austin, it has been a while since you've been exposed to the world. This year you should make your name bigger to the eyes of everyone, you should make your mahomies larger. You need to have a big come back on touring. That will not be hard anymore because..." he started then takes the letter from mom that is inside of an envelope "this letter will make it a lot easier for us now, come on read it" he said while handing me the envelope

Looking at the red-colored envelope that has a white ribbon tied in front of it, I read the content of the letter and it says:

Austin Mahone,

How are you? Last night while browsing on youtube I found this super viral video of you performing in New York City which indeed is super great. It just so happen I am in a situation where in I will be needing a singer to perform in my red tour!

I am happy to tell that I'm inviting you as one of those singers.

Taylor Swift

Happiness is written all over my face after putting down the letter after reading it for the 3rd time in a row. I can't believe I received a letter from the one and only Taylor Swift. The fact that it is not just a simple letter but an invitation letter to sing for her red tour. This is crazy. It is an honor to receive an invitation from Taylor let alone be part of her tour.

"Wow" is all I said

"Austin congratulations man, you're going on red tour with Taylor Swift. We'll discuss more information about this in a moment. So that means that you're gonna be on tour for ten months. We are also leaving next month because of rehearsals and all" I nodded and excused myself

I'm so excited for this tour, but at the same time I'm going to be away for ten months. I'm going to leave Samantha for ten months now that she's pregnant. Which means that she will give birth after nine months and I'm not gonna be there. I'm going to miss the first month of our baby.

I'm Im debating with myself whether to go and accept the invitation or decline it and be with Samantha instead.

I am making another big decision in my life and this should be right and for the first time in my life I actually feel scared. I am not only making a decision for myself. This is for Samantha and our future baby, too.


another boring and super short chapter :( im so disappointed with myself! Im crying. This is a rush I wrote this for an hour at 11:24 pm and I have school tomorrow but I need to update because I didnt update last week. I promise to make it up to you readers the next chapter will be a longer one and much more interesting.

Sorry cupcakes!

Goal votes: 5

Twitter: @acmpizzaunicorn

_zee xx

Edited: 03/04/17

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