Chapter Twenty-Five: Spaceships and Protogens

Start from the beginning

Mason quickly looked around the floor, finding B-64 huddled in the corner of the room, on a single bed and still knocked out. How did he get there?

Mason found himself almost completely declothed, with only a slim pair of white shorts, most likely created by the Protogens, and a very tight shirt that fit snugly against his fur. He shivered, not liking the idea that those things touched him.

But how did that happen? Wasn't he in some void just a moment ago, what had happened? Maybe he was knocked out, but that can't be right, because he was never knocked out. He remembered jumping into the light, the void, then this.

Maybe this was a form of teleportation? But then, if it had teleported him, why had it caused him to black out. Maybe they teleported him into the video, then knocked him out somehow?

Mason rubbed his forehead, his brain hurting. He wasn't sure what to believe.

But there were two things he did know: That he needed to figure out where his friends, and more importantly his sister, were, and two, that the pair of "Shorts" they had given him were wildly uncomfortable.

Mason sighed, figuring that he had nothing better to do then look around the room for clues as to what happened.

The walls, despite being gray and very hard looking, were actually a pleasant shade of light grey and were surprisingly soft. The glass chambers that the Boson energy flowed through was very hard to the touch, and by slamming his hand against it, figured that even a bomb wouldn't even crack the tube.

It was a rectangular room, much longer than it was wide, and contained just three beds, what looked like a desk with a lamp shaped almost like a phallus, and a few light fixtures.

All in all, this reminded Mason much more of a home then a holding cell. Almost like the foundation.

But the door was the only thing un-home like. It was hard and rough, and about five inches thick. There was a solid glass looking hole through the center, colored blue, and by peering at different angles, Mason could see two guards stationed on either side.

Mason frowned, and turned to look at the other side of the room.

But before Mason reached it, B-64 started to activate again. Mason, startled, tripped backwards and landed hard on the almost concrete like floor. His cry of pain caused B-64 to instantly jump up from the bed, his dagger unsheathing itself instantly.

"It's okay! It's okay!" Mason said, almost yelling. He didn't want to attract attention to himself, nor to B-64, just in case B-64 wasn't supposed to wake yet. B-64 understood, sheathing his dagger and deactivating his shield.

B-64, after a quick scan, found that he was, indeed, in deep trouble.

Almost every single one of his defensive features were offline or badly damaged, and he could feel the pressure mounting in his head. Normally his Boson reserves kicked in and altered reality so he didn't feel that pain, but for some reason, he couldn't activate it.

B-64 gripped his visor hard with his claws, nearly tearing another hole into it as he gave a few trills in agony. He fell back on the bed in writhing pain, throwing the thin blanket covering off of his legs.

And sticking out from his chest was a thin piece of material, hard enough to resist his dagger. It blinked red in rapid succession, obviously preventing B-64 from activating his Boson reserves.

Mason acted quickly, jumping onto the bed and gripping B-64's hand. It did little to distract from the pain, but it did pull B-64's mind from focusing on it. Mason could tell that the action helped, so he went further.

Mason cupped B-64's other hand in his own, rubbing them with his own while softly humming. It was something that he had learned from his dad, distract from the pain either by talking or acting, and since he was all out of words, actions took the forefront.

But that still wasn't enough, and so Mason stretched forward and gave a soft, small kiss right on the middle of B-64 visor. The Protogen seemed to understand the intimacy of the gesture, somehow generating a soft red tinted affect on either side of his visor.

If Mason hazarded a guess, he would say a blush.

But that still did not help as much as Mason wanted. There was the last thing that B-64 did with him. Cuddle.

Mason quickly slipped against B-64, snaking his arm underneath him and wrapping another hand around him. B-64, appreciating the kind gesture, snuggled against Mason and nipped at his neck in a friendly way.

Mason sighed, finding that being the one to snuggle someone else was actually rather enjoyable. And although the threats that loomed over them were high, and the mysterious that he wanted and needed to find out still weighed heavy on his mind.

He couldn't bring himself to care about it at that moment. However much he ended to know, however much he needed to see, he also wanted this. To snuggle with B-64, to just enjoy something like this and forgot everything that had happened.

To be whole.

Was this what he was missing this time? Was it the adventure, was it the thrill of death, the terror and the horror of seeing abominations and massacres? Or was it...



I hope, no beg, that someone appreciated that Dungeons and Dragons title joke...


So, yeah, this is another chapter. I enjoyed writing this one, ect.

Please answer this question, because I have no one else to measure these stories: How is the pacing with this relationship thing? I don't have a solid basis on how to write this kinds of things, and I don't know if this is going too fast, too slow, or if it is even cute or plausible in the first place.

I based the idea of a romance thing on the movie "Shape of Water", even though I only watched a little of it. I wanted to add the romance plot into the original story, but... Well, the main character was sixteen-seventeen, and I was already through like half the story, so I didn't.

I really, really hope that this is actually good, and not creepy, or going to fast, or not like how relationships work, or how this would work. Or it going into... That direction.

Anyways, that's enough of me ranting. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and like youtubers say, see ya next time (Next chapter in two days...)!

~ Candle

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