Chapter Three

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After that night, when I swore to never go back to see my family, I decided I would try to send a message to Chance and Dark. They seemed broken up about something while the others didn't care. The last month I've been burning my victims to make them beautiful. Today was Chance's and my birthday. I felt horrible about not being there with him for our birthday. After I had my fun hunting I went back home and started planning my next message. I wanted him to know I'm here. I miss my brother and I really hope he misses me.


Chance just turned fourteen but he seems depressed. I wonder why. I shrug it off and go to the living room watching the news. I already know not to go the the basement. Ben and Misty were making out last time I checked down there. Anyways I'm sitting on the couch in the living room watching the tv. The news comes on about another murder but like the last month it's none of us in the mansion. It keeps me wondering about who the killer is.

"This just in another murder has been committed within the last hour. It's unknown about the killer but it's said that the killer uses fire to burn their victims alive before killing them. Wait, another victim has been found. Who is this killer and what is going on in our town?" I flip the TV off confused. I don't know anyone who uses fire to kill with. I know Chance uses water to drown his victims at times but I don't know if he can control fire. I get off the couch and go up to his room.

Once there I knock on the door hearing him say come in. "Hey Chance? Quick question." He looks at me with his goggles on his head. "You don't happen to use fire to kill with, do you?"

"No, why?"

"There's a killer that uses fire on there victims. I knew you used water so it made me curious about if it was you." His eyes widen and he jumps off the bed grabbing his tomahawks. It confuses me.

"I have to go out right fast. I will be back later!" He calls running out of the door and then out of the mansion. What is this boy hiding?

Chance's POV

I knew it! I knew she was still alive!! I ran around the woods looking for her. I even took to the trees cause I know she travels by trees at times. I literally jump from branch to branch calling for Raven.

"Raven?! You out there Raven!? Please answer me if you are!" I never got any response. I know she's alive. She's the only person I know who uses fire on victims. It's her strongest power. Even if she's not alive and this is just some random person I just want the thought to stay. I'm not letting Raven go. I can't forget my twin.

No one knows how it feels to lose a twin useless you are a twin. It hurts knowing she saved me from falling with her. I would have gladly died to save her but then it would be reversed with her feeling this way. I don't know whether to hate Raven for saving me or thank her. It pisses me off that I didn't save her. I promised her when we were young I would protect her no matter what. I let her down. I failed her. I can never forgive myself for not saving her.

I know she would tell me to stop whining and move on to forget her. I can't do it, I can't move on. I'm alone now, mom and dad doesn't even remember her because of the others but I can't really blame them. Mom and dad were broken after Raven died or didn't I don't really know which yet. They had there memory erased or locked up. It was best for mom and dad to not remember but me, it's not. I need to remember her. She's my other half, she's the bad to my good. We all know she was like dad more with the insanity. She was always a troublemaker but comparing her to me I was the angel. I need my little demonic sister. I know most of you are thinking I'm being mean calling her that but she really is demonic. Remember? We are half witch and demon or something like that. She's a demon literally.

I miss her trying to kill me for pissing her off or just messing with her when she'd kiss Dark. I now feel bad about when I would interrupt them kissing. Now Dark will never be able to hold her again and I will never see my sister again. I feel really bad about it, the last thing he got to say to her was about not wanting to let neither of us go and me, I yelled at her. Try having that on your conscious, you yell at someone you love right before they die. It's horrible to think about. I can't really believe the last thing she heard from me was yelling at her.

I get out of the trees after a few hours and return home mopping. I decided to keep searching for her until there are no more signs of her being here. Once I'm back home I go up to my room and lie in bed wishing that nothing happened to us, that Raven was still here. Soon I feel everything go black leaving me in my thoughts.

Dark's POV

I'm lying in my bed at Trender mansion staring at the ceil. After awhile my eyes start to burn with my bloody tears. The memory of when we first started dating was playing in my mind. I remember it so well. I was lying on my back playing video games after Raven quit playing. She was lying on my chest watching me play and before I knew it she was asleep. I would look down in between rounds to check on her or to kiss her head. She was my little demon. I miss that girl. I miss my love.

After awhile I get out of the bed because more memories comes to mind just making it hard to forget that tragic day. Then again, why forget? That day I lost my love. She took my heart with her when she died and there's no moving on.

A soft knock sounds at my door and I weakly say it's open. In walks my best friend, besides Ben, Nina. She didn't personally get to meet Raven but I never stopped talking about her to Nina.

"Hey Dark. I came to see how you're holding up." She said in a caring, yet soothing voice.

"I can't stop thinking of her. It's been a few months but I can't move on. I can't sleep without dreaming of the way she looked hanging from my arm. I could have held her arm tighter or waited longer, anything but I didn't save her. I feel like, it was me that killed her."

"It's not your fault Dark. You didn't kill her. She chose to save her brother so they both didn't die." Nina says walking over sitting in the bed. "I wonder how Chance is taking it?" She asked.

"Worse than me. He knew her his whole life, I knew her about three or four years."

"Come on, let's go see Chance. He's gonna need someone right now." She smiles looking at me. I took her to meet Chance so he could try to wash away a little of his misery. I figured if I couldn't be happy anymore I would try to help Chance to. He seemed to like Nina and she seemed to like him. I kinda hope they hit it off. After Nina finally gets me out of bed we go to visit Chance. I know EJ and the others don't remember Raven, they had there memories erased so they can't feel the pain of her death. I know Chance still remembers, he fought to keep his memory of her. Slender even offered me the memory deal but like Chance I fought to keep my memory of my love. I will not let her go without a fight.

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