Chapter One

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Raven's POV

"I'm back." I look to the sky before I get up off my victim. The flesh on my back is badly burned from the heat coming off the lava. My back hurts so bad along with the back of my arms and legs too. I wonder around the forest here looking for somewhere to heal. After awhile of walking I find a stream. I walk over and lie down. Just like mother told me before, the grass clung to my skin. I had one hand in the water to help heal me faster. I soon fall into the darkness.

(Time skip to three months ahead)

I woke up to see that it was dark out. I slowly look to the side and see the grass has released its hold on me. I get up and pull my mask up to my head. I look around now that I could see better. I didn't know what to do now. I done the only thing I could think of, I started to head home. Once I got to Slender woods I took to the trees like I use to do. When I got to the mansion mom and dad were on the porch making out. Eww. That's very disturbing. It's like they don't even know I'm gone or they don't care. I keep looking around and soon Uncle LJ and Uncle Jeff came out of the mansion. It was like they didn't care or even notice either. It broke my heart seeing this but I guess if they don't want me here then I'll leave. I move back through the trees but I head to Trender mansion. I look in Dark's window seeing he's asleep.

I just wanted to see him one more time before leaving. I sneak in his window, he should really fix the weak spot in his window. I walk up to the bed and lightly rub his hair. He looks troubled. I lean down lightly pecking his lips. "Goodbye love." I whispered before leaving back through the window. Everyone seems better without me around so looks like I will never be home again. I quickly make my way through the trees back to the edge before going back to the woods I woke up in. While in those woods I found a cabin. It was kinda run down but it didn't matter. I would just fix it up and live here. Papaw Slendy taught Chance and me to live out of the woods for when we started missions. I never got to go on any yet but I still knew what to do.

I went in the cabin looking at everything. I found a broom and some run down furniture. I got the broom and started to sweep the place. I had to dust the couch off by beating it with the broom. Dust rolled off the couch and it was very suffocating. I had to open the door and windows to let dust out. When the air finally cleared I finished sweeping the place and dusting it free of spider webs. It didn't look half bad after the cleaning. I found some candles in a cabinet. When it started getting dark out I used my powers to light the candles. They were set mostly around the couch so I could see.

I lie there on the couch listening to the sounds of the night. You could hear the crickets and frogs. It sounded so peaceful but I miss the sounds of my uncles at night coming in from kills or the screams of victims. Where's the screams and noise? I miss it so much. A frown comes to my face just thinking about my family. I wonder what they're doing now. I soon fall asleep on the couch.

(Time skip to morning)

I wake up sometime the next day on the couch. My face is stiff feeling from tears. I think I was crying in my sleep. That would be new. I never had a reason to be sad or lonely before. I always had my brother, my mom, dad, Dark, my uncles, or my aunts. They were always there to keep me happy and I always had LJ to play with. I sit up on the couch looking around the cabin. Maybe I could redecorate, make this place feel more like home or something. I get off the couch and start cleaning again for the day to finish up.

I spent literally all day cleaning I even got the bedroom cleaned up. It's kinda nice now that it's cleaned up. I got my mask on before leaving with my knife in hand. I head out into town looking for victims. After awhile up running around in the dark I stop for a few. I remember Uncle Jeff saying that if you wanted money go for the big houses but if you wanted joy go for any damn house. Since I need money I started looking for a big house. Within about thirty minutes I found a house. It's huge! I sneak into the house looking around. I ended up finding a picture of the family. It's a mom, dad, two boys, and a girl. 'Big house for just five people.'

I first get the money I need and look around before heading upstairs. After a few minutes I find the girls room. It looks like she's about as old as me. I get my knife and silently walk over to the bed before slitting her throat so fast she didn't even know what was going on. She died before all her blood left her body. I then make my way to the parents room. I swiftly kill them before moving on to the boys. Apparently they don't share a room. I killed one boy then moved on to the brother. As soon as I snuck in his room a floor board squeaked waking him up. He sees me and tries to run. I lunge at him but surprisingly this boy is fast. I ran down the hall after him but I settled with summoning a fireball to throw at him. He hit the ground screaming in pain while I watched laughing. I walk over to him and bent down to where I'm beside him. I cut the fire off leaving him burnt to a crisp. He was barely alive after the fireball. I take my knife stabbing it into his heart twisting the blade.

"You shouldn't have woke up." I get up off the floor and wipe my knife off. After that I make my way out of the house before cops show up. I get to the park in the shadows before seeing how much money I got off the family. I got close to a thousand so I should be good on money for a little while or at least to get things I need for my new place. I head back to the cabin and sit in the dark living room before summoning fire to light the candles. At night it's different here. It's not as dark as at home. I sit on the couch criss crossed with the money on the table in front of me. I have to figure out what I will need. Clothes, bathroom supplies, food, blankets for my bed, maybe some electronics, and figure out how to run water here along with lights. After awhile of thinking I got a plan. The electronics I can steal from my victims, then everything else I will buy from stores.

After a long day of cleaning and hunting I head to my bedroom and lie down. I lie there thinking of my family, of my boyfriend, everyone. I miss them but it looked like they were better off without me. I soon fall into a dreamless sleep.

A Broken Love (Sequel to Lost Love)Where stories live. Discover now