Chapter 34

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taehyung looked out of the window, looking at the soft morning waves as he hugged himself, the white bed sheet covering his naked body. today was their last day on their honeymoon and it made taehyung a little sad because he was having the best time of his life here, alone with jungkook only. ever since they got here, everything has been amazing. everything they did, inside and outside of the bedroom. so many pictures taken and so many memories made.

taehyung and jungkook got married just two weeks ago. a small party that included their family and close friends. it was a night they would remember forever. and while their marriage wouldn't be legally recognised by their country, it didn't make that night any less beautiful to them, nor their union any less official. the love they had for each other was more official than any piece of paper could ever signify.

taehyung now tilted his head a little, looking at the bed where jungkook laid, sleeping peacefully as he hugged a pillow close to him. taehyung walked over to him, getting on the bed as he softly played with jungkook's hair.

the soft touches caused jungkook to stir in his sleep and slowly open his eyes to be met by a smiling taehyung looking down at him. jungkook smiled back before he stretched his arms a little and reached up to touch taehyung's cheek, "good morning petal."
taehyung kissed jungkook's palm that rested on his cheek before answering, "good morning baby."

jungkook took a look at how the bed sheet slid off taehyung's shoulder, exposing all the love bites he left there last night, then smiled to himself because he thought taehyung looked pretty in them. taehyung pushed the sheet up and hit jungkook's chest, "stop." he whined as jungkook chuckled, "sorry baby, you're just so beautiful." jungkook said, sitting up and bringing taehyung into a soft kiss.

he then pulled away slightly, "let's shower, then i'll fix us some breakfast, hmm?"
taehyung nodded, "i'd like that."
jungkook smiled as he got off the bed, leaving taehyung to chuckle behind him, "you obviously love walking around naked, but i have mixed feelings."

jungkook rolled his eyes playfully, "nice try baby, we both know you enjoy looking at my naked body." he winked before walking to the bathroom as taehyung followed behind.

jungkook put on his boxers as he watched taehyung put on a white shirt, jungkook's shirt to be exact. "you need to stop taking my shirts, yours have barely been used."
taehyung smiled and shook his head, "they're not as comfortable. also you got yourself into this the moment you proposed. do you really think i'll wear my shirts when i can wear ones that smell just like my husband?"

jungkook smiled as he put both his hands on the counter behind taehyung, trapping him, "you were forgiven the second you called me your husband. you can take all my clothes."
taehyung giggled, "well aren't you? my husband?" he said with a huge smile on his face, "i am. your husband. and you're mine, my pretty husband." jungkook said as he leaned in to kiss taehyung. they both smiled into the kiss and ended up smiling against each other's mouths instead of actually kissing.

jungkook pulled away after a minute, "you look hot in my clothes anyway. now go rest, i'll make breakfast for us." taehyung nodded at that as he opened the bathroom door and walked out.

after a few minutes, taehyung got bored and walked to the kitchen, "can i help?" he asked jungkook who smiled and nodded, "how about you make the pancake mix?" jungkook spoke and taehyung gave him a salute before taking the pancake mix box in his hand.

jungkook gave a disgusted look before laughing, "you're so silly." he said, "and i love you." and with that, the two were cooking their breakfast; actually jungkook cooking their breakfast while taehyung just mixed the batter the whole time, even when it was done, he kept mixing.

when jungkook noticed taehyung is still mixing the stupid batter, he walked over to him and back hugged him as he took the whisk from his hand, "okay i think the batter is done now." he said as he kissed taehyung's neck, "but i was having fun." taehyung pouted which made jungkook smile against his neck, "you're such a baby. but cmon, you'll have more fun eating this than just playing around with it."

jungkook turned taehyung around and started laughing once he took a look at his face. taehyung stared at him in confusion, "what? what's so funny?" he asked repeatedly, so jungkook walked him to the mirror and turned him to look at himself. "oh my god! shut up!" taehyung pouted and started rubbing his cheek to remove the flour that got on his face.

jungkook laughed more which made taehyung take some flour in his hand and blow them right on jungkook's face, "that's for laughing at me."

that was the reason taehyung was now running around the small house, trying to get away from a following jungkook who wanted to throw flour at him like the meanie he is.

"jungkook, stop." taehyung stood at the other side of the bed with his hands up in front of him, "you can't do that, you love me." he continued but was surprised when jungkook ran to him quickly and tackled him to the bed.

taehyung could do nothing but admit defeat, scrunching his face up, ready for the flour to be thrown at him, but instead, he felt soft lips move against his. taehyung opened his eyes just to close them again and kiss jungkook back, "i wasn't even holding any flour in my hands baby." jungkook mumbled against his lips, "fuck you." taehyung replied before jungkook kissed him again, "i love you too fairy."

-the end-

this is the end of 35, thank you for everyone who read this book and left comments for me! i love you so much!

i really enjoyed writing this and im sad it's over but i'm also happy with it. i hope you liked this book as much as i do. thank you so much for reading it🥺💜

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