Part 15 - Making things right

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"Sofie! Sofie!" I yell as I stand at her door knocking like crazy, eventually Roy opens the door still half asleep. "Are you seriously just awake?" I ask him as I step inside the house.

"Hello to you too, I had a late shift so let me. Wait why are you here?" He walks with me to the living room as he sits down on the couch.

"Where is Sofie?" I ask him as I stand before him.

"She went out groceries shopping, did you cry?" He pets the place next to him for me to sit down.

"Well yes I have on my way here." I sigh as I sit next to him.

Pov Sofie

I walk into the house as hear that Roy was talking with someone, I place the two bags on the ground.

"Your eyes are still red, do you care to tell me what's going on?"

"Has Sofie not told you anything?" As I hear (Y/n) voice I hide myself behind the wall as I listen on there conversation, childish I know. "We had a fight over the phone about what happened with Emma at the party." I hear (Y/n) let out a sigh. "Roy I do understand her because Emma was a close friend to her the same it used to be for me too. But Sofie has always been someone who is trying to solve every little problem not every problem needs to be fixed."

"Like yours with Emma? (Y/n) I maybe don't know you well enough as Sofie but you both always try your best for each other even it makes you uncomfortable."

"Of course we do we are best friends, I hoped to catch her so I could apologize."

"For what?" I am confused by Roy's words and I peak from behind the wall, (Y/n) shares my confusion. Roy gives her a smile as he pets her on her head. "I told Sofie she could invite Emma to the wedding but I also did not wish for her to be at the party, Sofie was talking so positive about her when she had met up with her. She always told me it was like when you guys where hanging out in your college days, Emma has always been very convincing nicely saying. She talks in a way she will get her way or convince you that she tells you the truth for you to believe her. Sofie was so happy that I couldn't deny her wish to invite Emma, I didn't think she would invite her to the party. I was actually surprised she didn't try to do anything to you in the spa but she waited till the party?"

"You tell me, before that day started I promised Sofie no drama but in the end that is exactly what we got but what gets to me the most is that she called me up. She was angry at me and when I asked her if she even called Emma about this..." (Y/n) stands up from the couch walking over to the window, she looks outside as she removes a tear from her cheek as for as I can tell. "Was she afraid to confront Emma so she turned to me instead? I wish I would know what she is thinking so that I could understand her better, if I could do that maybe we wouldn't have fought like we did." Roy finally stands up, he looks over his shoulder and our eyes meet. He gives me a smile and point at his ear. I give him a nod with that he turns around and walks over to (Y/n).

"You coming here means already a lot and I know that you guys will make up. Emma played a part in deceiving her I am sure but it was Sofie's fault to not confront Emma with this. I am sure it is because she is scared to loose her even with the things she did to you."

"You are right Roy those things she did to me and Sofie was just a bystander. Thanks I feel so much better now." (Y/n) says sarcastic, I walk back to door and open it again and I close the door loudly. Within seconds (Y/n) had run up to the door, she looks at me and her eyes are indeed very red. Roy stands behind her, I move my eyes from him to the bags and he understands the hint he takes the groceries and walks to the kitchen. When Roy is out of sight (Y/n) runs into my arms. "I am so sorry." She whispers and I can't hold in any longer, I bring my arm around her and hug her tight tears leaving my own eyes.

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