Part 7 - Going home

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"What are you doing on the ground?" I look up as the sun shine right into my eyes, I look next to me finding the bucket.

"How are you feeling?"

"Better." He says I help myself up, I pick up the bucket throwing what he had throw up into the toilet. "Thank you for picking me up yesterday?"

"That was no problem, I was surprised when I heard that you had fallen asleep on the bar. Do you want too share why it happened or something else you umm...want to me tell me?"

"No it's nothing you have too worry about I probably said only nonsense when I was drunk."

"Yeah right you want anything to eat, breakfast is ready down stairs?"

"No I think I am good for now." I smile lightly as I walk over to the bathroom too freshen myself up, I open the door to go down for breakfast.

"Did I say something wrong?" He says as the door closes again. "And where did she place that bucket." He holds a hand in front of his mouth as he runs over to the bathroom. I sit down at a table all by myself having no appetite to eat anything, did he mean what he said last night or I am getting to much hope in the MAN kind again. He still has a picture of them together on his phone, what kind of guy does that when he is no longer in love with them. I pick up my phone searching Sofie's number, once I have it I stare at her number. I close my phone placing it next to me.

"Miss Parker?" I turn around hearing my name being called.

"Thomas hi." I turn my frown into a smile as I greet him. "What a surprise to see you here?"

"Well with the deal we made with you our business is going great so I took some off my man out here to celebrate, next year I will go with the others and so on."

"Well I am glad that the business goes well and I see that you also took the offer to stay at our hotels with discount."

"Well we can't say no to those hotels now can we, and what are you doing here?"

"I am on a business trip with J...Mr. Kim, this place is full of our marketing."

"Yes I saw some shops off you on the way, those yachts looked very expensive?"

"Well yes that's right you have to look for the right people to sell them for the right price."

"You talk like a real salesman, your father would be proud." He leaves as he sits down by his staff, I pick up my phone and putt in my headphones as I start the video on my phone.

"Hey sweetheart happy birthday to you!" He sings as his oxygen tubes go into his nose and his hair almost gone. "I just wanted to say that they wanted too operate me to get the tumour out, isn't that good news on your birthday. Your mom will bring you a cart and a present, she is also the person filming this. Honey can you show her the present I got her?"

"It's wrapped, she won't see it?"

"She sees how big it is." I hear my mother sighs but she turns around showing a big box.

"Your father has wrapped your present as you can see." My mother turns the camera to her and sits next to my father, who looks very tired. "Honey do you want to say something too her before you fall asleep again." My mother giggles as she holds the camera in front of him.

"Well sweetheart I want to say how proud I am, you really are the secret weapon of the company. I can't believe that you are working at the company I build, I feel honoured to call you my daughter. I know you will take care of your mother that's what you do now anyway but don't pamper her too much, alright. Shall we both sing her happy birthday honey, get us both in the frame will you."

Mr. CEONơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ