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Gisele stood and looked at her body. She watch as her son shed a few tears. She had to do it. She couldn't bare to see you in pain and if sacrificing herself to keep you guys alive, that's what she would do. "Gisele?" a female voice made her turn around. "Who are you?" Gisele asked. "I think you know deep down who I am?" Gisele took a deep breath. "You're my reaper then." The reaper nodded and held her hand out. "It's time, they'll be fine. There's someone who has been wanting to see you." Gisele perked up. She right away went with her reaper. Gisele was lead to a place where there sat a man sat in a black suit. When he looked up and smiled. "Ah, Gisele Watson Holden. I was wondering when I would be seeing you." He pulled out a weird looking thing that he called a weight. "This will judge you on whether you will go to Heaven or Hell. Just place you hand over it." When Gisele did, black and white beads began to move up and down and change color. Her heart raced because she knew who was waiting to see her. Finally it was over. Almost all the beads were white and Gisele knew what that meant. "Enjoy paradise," the man said and the reaper walked Gisele through a door. There was a flash of light and suddenly she was standing on the deck of hers and Bryces house in Cornwall. "Enjoy," the reaper then disappeared. Gisele walked around the deck listening to the sound of waves hit the cliff side. When suddenly the back door opened. "Gisele?" She turned around and it felt like the world had stopped. "Bryce." She went up to him and pulled him into her arms. "I've missed you like crazy," she said into his neck. "Me too, sweetheart, me too." Bryce kissed his wifes head. "Oh, Bryce," she pulled back. "The children were beautiful." Bryce's eye lit up. "You saw them?" he asked. "How were they?" Gisele sat down and so did Bryce. "Oh, we made some beautiful children. I wish to God I would have stuck to your plan and looked for them. They grew up to be amazing humans. YN, Oh she reminds me of myself. She was adopted by Americans, who sadly died and she turned to hunting. Arhtur, oh he was adopted by a family that turned him over to the Men of Letters." Bryce laughed. "I wish you could have seen them, They found me and then I was gone just like that. Died to make sure they live another day." Bryce, smiled and held Giseles hand. "They sound like they're amazing." Time moved differently in Heaven, Gisele and Bryce spent what felt like a month, but in reality it was about five years down on Earth. Gisele was setting the table when there was a flapping sound. Gisele turned around and saw a man in a long tan trenchcoat. " Hello," he said in a gruff voice. "I am Castiel. I am an angel. A friend to Dean and YN." Gisele smiled and turned to Bryce. "I'll get another plate," he said. Castiel sat down at the table next to Gisele. Once Bryce returned with another plate, Castiel spoke again. "I am here to show you both something. We really aren't supposed to do this but, YN made a huge deal out of it and somehow made it possible." He held out both of his hands. Both Gisele and Bryce took hold of Castiels hands. Soon their eyes glowed and what they saw made they extremely happy


"Do you think its wise to move that far out?" There was a male voice. "You guys could retire here and be just as safe." Two males walked around a corner with a box in each of their arms. "Sam," That was Dean, Gisele wouldn't forget him. "I promised YN we would try to have a life like this. Away from the bunker so we won't get sucked back in." Sam nodded. "Okay, but you guys have to visit whenever you can." Dean laughed and nodded his head. "More hustle and less talk," Your voice came from around the same corner. You were also holding a box and Gisele couldn't help but see that she was wearing her engagement ring on her left hand. "And are you for sure that ring isn't haunted? There's a pawn shop on the way into town Dean can get a new ring." Sam asked. You rolled your eyes and so did Gisele. "I'm certain. Cas double checked that Gisele was in Heaven and she it. With Bryce. They're happy. Now leave the ring thing alone. Or you won't be coming to the wedding." Sam shut up and walked out with the box in his hands. "Man, I love it when you own my brother like that." Dean manage to give an awkward kiss to you.

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