Dean ran to the infirmary to see you sitting in the circle holding the angel blade. Cas was sitting as close as he could to the circle. When Dean walked in your eyes made contact with his. For brief moment you smiled and then looked down and mumbled something under your breath. "Sweetheart," Dean walked towards the circle. "Stay away," You said pointing the blade at him. "Tell me what's going on," Dean motioned Cas off the chair he was in and sat down. You looked Dean in the eye. "I need to get back," You responded. "I need to get back to the attack before the Djinn got to me." Dean sighed. You were coming back to him or at least reality. "Baby," Dean said softly. "You are back. You've been out for nearly two weeks." Dean saw you look around and down at the angel blade. Dean was ready to jump in if you tried anything stupid. "Prove it," you said looking back up. "First give me the blade," Dean said. "No, prove it or I'll stab myself right here." Dean took a deep breath and then it came to him. "Watch her and Sam, if she tries anything stupid, tackle her and tie her down." Before Sam could say anything, Dean ran out of the infirmary and towards the room Ketch was staying in. "Hey, man," Dean said opening his door. "We need you in the infirmary." Ketch stood up right away. "Is everything alright?" He asked. "YN woke up. She wants proof that she's awake and you're proof." Dean and Ketch made their way back to the infirmary. "How am I proof?" He asked. "Because when she went under she saw you died." Ketch nodded and Dean went on. "If this doesn't work and she kills herself, I don't know what I would do." Dean sensed that Ketch understood what he meant. The guys made it back and you were still sitting in the circle. "Thank God," he whispered. "YN, baby, here's the proof that you're awake." Dean stepped aside and Ketch walked around him. Dean watched as you stood up with your face smiling and then got it confused again. This better work he thought to himself. He had no other proof. Well there was Michael but Michael wanted to kill you so that was a no go. Dean heard a clang and saw that you dropped the blade and backed yourself out of the circle and into the corner behind you. You slide down and hugged your legs close to your chest and began mumbling something under your breath. Dean went over to you and knelt at your level. Dean cupped your chin and lifted your face up. "Sweetheart," he whispered. "What is it?" Dean searched your eyes and face and all he saw disbelief. "You can tell me anything." You stared at him and then closed your eyes and took a deep breath. When you opened your eyes they zeroed in behind Dean. "What is it?" Dean asked a bit louder. "I saw Cain in there and he told me I had a brother. He didn't tell me who just that I would know when I saw him. He's in this room." Dean looked behind him and noticed that Ketch wore the same look on his face that you had on yours. Dean began to look back and forth between the two of you and saw the resemblance. "Why would Cain tell you that and why was Cain in your dream in the first place?" Sam asked starting to catch on to what was going on. You looked at Sam. "Because for some ungodly reason someone has to bear the mark. He didn't say why only that it had to be someone who was worthy like you or someone like me or my brother and if not us then the Empty will spit him out to bear the mark." Sam rubbed his face and Cas flung his arms up dramatically. "Great."



You sat in the kitchen staring that the plate of food Dean set in front of you. "Are you sure you're okay?" Dean asked. He hadn't left you alone. Your guess what that you might do something stupid or that he was scared you would vanish and he would be the one waking up. "I'm fine," You said and you began to pick at the food. "I just realized I'm not that hungry." Dean reached across the table and pulled your plate in front of him and began to eat. You smiled a little and felt your heart ache. A small dream memory flooded your head. Dream Dean had done that when you were dream pregnant in the first trimester. "I'll be right back," You got and left the kitchen before Dean could say anything. You made your way to the only room you knew Ketch stayed in. Ketch had ran off and locked himself away for he had been just as shocked as you were when you both made the connection. "Cain was right,' you mumbled to yourself again. You got to Ketch's door and hesitated to knock on it. At some point you and Ketch will have to talk about it. You took a deep breath and knocked on the door. It opened right away. "Oh, hello," Ketch said. He stood aside and let you in. The room of course was neat and clean. "I was wondering when you would come by." Ketch must have been thinking about the same thing too. "Yeah, well," You pulled deans flannel closer around you. "Seeing as we are not only related but brother and sister, we have to figure out..." Ketch didn't let you finish before speaking. Typical of him. "We're twins." He said. "I talked to a few people who owed me favors. I literally just got off the phone with someone who confirmed it. She's overnighting proof to the post office." You sat down on Ketch's bed. "Twins?" you asked. "But how? You're a Brit and I'm an American." Ketch sat next to you and looked at the floor. "According to the person I spoke to, we were left outside a hospital. An American family took you while a family with the Men of Letters took you." You took another deep breath. "Anything on our birth parents?" Ketch nodded slowly. "Our birth mother died in a car accident a couple years after she gave us up. Birth father is no where to be found because according to court records, she never told him that she was pregnant." You nodded and stood up. "I guess we try damn hard to find him. We need to find out if he's alive and if he carries Cains blood like we do." Ketch stood up too looking a bit confused. "But would have Cain told you if any or both of our birth parents carried his blood too?" You laughed and walked out of the room with Ketch following you. "It's Cain, he told me that we need the mark in play but didn't give me a reason." You walked back into the kitchen to see Dean was sitting there still. You turned to Ketch, "Which gives us all the reason to search for this guy. Because if he carries Cains blood, then we convince him to carry the mark once we know the real reason why the mark has to return." You heard Dean get up and come up behind you. "Can we talk?" Before you could answer, Dean pulled you to your guys room. "Um, who are you guys talking about?" Dean asked closing the door behind you guys. "And you can't possibly think that you're doing it alone with Ketch of all people." You turned to dean. "No I wasn't and we were talking about my..our...biological father." Dean nodded. The two of you looked into each others eyes for a few minutes before Dean leaned in to kiss you but you got up. "YN?" Dean sounded hurt. "I'm sorry." You said rubbing your face. "Relfex. Coming back up here from dream land, was hard." Dean licked his lips and looked away from you. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asked. He tried really hard to mask the hurt. "Not yet," you reached for Deans face and turned it to face yours. "When I'm ready, you will be the first to know." You smiled and sat down on his lap. He rose an eyebrow and began to open his mouth but you stopped him. "Just because I'm not ready to talk about stabbing myself several times to get back to you, doesn't mean i'm also not ready to kiss the fuck out of you." Dean smiled and put is arms around you and laid you both back on the bed.


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