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Ketch woke up to You shaking him awake. He felt like he had a wicked night of drinking and was paying the price for it. But he knew that wasn't the case. "Thank God," You said sitting back. "We've been trying to wake up you for at least an hour." Ketch rubbed his head and looked to see Gisele kneeling behind You. She looked terrified but put together. Something he realized he got from her. "Are you two okay?" He asked. "We are. We were kind of just dumped here. No ones here but it's heavily guarded though." You stood up and peeked out a small crack in the barn wall. "The door is also locked." Gisele said sitting back. "What is this place?" She added. Ketch looked around and really wasn't entirely sure. "I don't have a single clue? YN?" You turned around. "This is where Dean and Cain had their showdown." Ketch nodded. "Brilliant," he said standing up. "So I guess one of us dies then by the hand of one of us." You looked at the ground. "Dean and Sam won't make it in time. Deans about a day away and Sam is just a little over a days drives." Gisele looked at them both. "We can stall them, as long as we can until Dean and this other dude come." Ketch looked at you. "We can," Ketch said getting up. "Who ever walks through that door, we will stall the hell out of." "Oh can you now?" A familiar voice came a far off corner. You all turned to see someone walk out of the shadows. Ketch saw your face get dark with anger. "Crowley," You said and Ketch could hear the venom in your voice. "I should have known you were behind this!" Crowley put his hands in his coat pocket. "Oh Darling, I am behind all of it all of it. Asmodeous was just a decoy to trick you into taking the mark but, I didn't know he would kill Dean. So I took advantage of that." Ketch saw you take a step forward. He took a step and grabbed your arm. "Who are you?" Gisele asked standing in front of you guys. "Crowley, King of Hell. You must be dear ol Mommy." Ketch could see the confusion on Giseles face. "Why do you want to raise Cain?" Ketch asked. He kept feeling the muscles in your arm twitch. "Shh, relax," Ketch whispered. "Fear. Control. He can kill anyone I want him to. That is after I get one of you to kill one of the others. Or the ritual won't work." Crowley snaps his fingers and a chair a table appeared. "It was you in my head," You said. "It wasn't Cain. It was you." Crowley snapped his fingers again and appeared a glass of scotch. "Very smart, my dear." Ketch felt your arm tense up. "You're crazy to think one of us will kill one another." Gisele said taking a step forward. Ketch rolled his eyes. It was like dealing with two of you. "You think?" Crowley smiled. "Well maybe I'm not crazy." "You're insane," Ketch said. "We won't comply with you at all." Ketch let go your arm and stepped next to Gisele. "Figures," Crowley, again, snapped his fingers. It was getting really annoying, Ketch thought to himself. A few demons appeared and grabbed you and held you with a knife to your neck. In Ketch's hand and Giseles was a small but very sharp blade. "Originally I was going to have YN and Ketch do this while mommy watch with horror but I think with a bit of persuasion one of you might do the deed." Ketch looked back at you just in time to hear that annoying sound of a snap. You doubled over and cried out. You spat out some blood and gasped for air. "NO!" Gisele screamed dropping her blade. She tried to run to you but a few more demons appeared. Gisele turned to Ketch who looked at her. This wasn't fair. Ketch just got a loving mother who actually wanted him. Ketch's eyes stung as he held back the tears. "Arthur," Gisele calmly said walking up to him. She placed a hand on his face. Ketch closed his eyes and remembered a far far off memory of her soft hand. "You have to do this." Ketch shook his head. "Oh for the love of God," You yelled before puking up more blood. The pain in your stomach made you cry out again. "Don't be stupid." Ketch and Gisele weren't sure if you talking to one of them. "Sweetheart," Gisele whispered. "Kill me and save your sister." Ketch felt her hand on the hand that held the blade but, he was too distracted by the emotions that ran through his body. "I'm proud of both you," Gisele kissed Ketch's cheek. Ketch felt his hand jerk forward. He looked down to see that the blade was in Gisele's stomach. He looked back up at her and felt her hand twist the blade around. The blood slowly began to trickle out of her mouth. "I love you both," she whispered and fell to the ground. Ketch slowly fell to his knees and took up Gisele in his arms. Slowly the tears fell. Ketch looked up at you and saw your tears falling from your face. The blood from Gisele slowly seeped out onto the ground. "I'm so sorry," he whispered. Crowley got up from his seat and pulled out a paper and began to speak the spell. Giseles blood that touch the ground began to glow. You got to your feet and charged Crowley. To Ketch's surprise you knocked him to the ground. Ketch slowly moved himself and Giseles body over to the side. Crowley snapped his fingers and instantly both Ketch and you were on the ground holding your stomachs. The pain was intense. "Now let me start over," Crowley said and began to say the spell again. The blood began to glow and soon, there was a flash of light.


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