Everything was dark. You were no longer in your home. You had no way of contacting Dean. Worst of all, you no longer had a pregnant belly. Your heart ached at the emptiness and you let a few tears fall. Then the things that the 'other' Dean began to ring in your ear. What if all that you had live in the last year was a lie? What if you were really stuck in a dream world? You just sat there and thought about everything. You tried to think about any sign that was shown to you  that tried to tell you that you were dreaming. You pulled your knees up to you chest. You couldn't think of thing. Everything had felt and been so real. Losing it all was worse than dying and now you had no way back to reality where Dean was. If only you gave him the benefit of the doubt you probably would have waken up. "Too late," you tell yourself wiping a tear away. "I lost a life where Dean and I were finally happy. Then I lost the chance to live that life with him." The more you hugged your knees close the darker it got. Part of you knew that once the darkness fully engulfed you, you were gone. Maybe forever. Maybe Dean would come back. "I wouldn't say that," A voice came from the darkness. You stood up and started to look around as if you could see beyond that darkness. "Where are you? Show yourself!" You said spinning around, still expecting to see something. "Maybe this will help." You heard a snap and suddenly the dark was light. But everything was white like a sheet of paper. You turned around and there  stood the last person you'd ever want to see. You took a deep breath and exhaled. "What the hell do you want?" You asked. "Do you have something to do with this?" you gestured to the whole white out. Cain stifled a laugh and walked a few steps towards you with his hands in his pockets. "Nope," he said. "That was all you, my child. You broke the djinns spell but are still trapped." You flinched when he called you 'my child.' But then, he was right. You were the last of his direct bloodline. "Then why are you here?" Cain took a deep breath. "To help you. You may not know it or want it, but the blood in you knew you needed my help so it recreated me to help you out." You have seen and done some weird things in your life and having found out that you and Cain are directly related by blood, well, that didn't surprise you. Not one bit. Instead of resisting because Dean's words rang in your ear about not wanting to let you die, you crossed your arms. "How do I get out then?" You asked. Cain snapped his finger and instantly two chairs and a table with whiskey glasses and the whiskey itself. "Sit," Cain said taking a seat. "Let's talk before I help you out." You licked your lips and sat down. You had no choice because you had no where to go. "Fine," you poured yourself a glass and drank the whole thing. "Now you may talk." You set the glass down. Cain rose an eyebrow. "Alright," he said pouring you another glass and himself his first. "Where to begin. Well, someone has to bear the mark." Cain took his shot and poured another one. "But Amara has the mark." Cain laughed. "She doesn't count. The mark has to be worn by someone. Someone worthy and strong enough like Dean or someone that has my blood in their veins like you or your brother. If not one of your sorry asses, I will wake from the Empty and come back to resume my duty to bear the mark." You were about to say something but the word 'brother' stopped you. "What? Brother?" you asked. "I don't have a brother." Cain ignored you. "The one way to get back to your reality is to kill yourself all the way up." Cain snapped his fingers and there appeared an angel blade. "Look for this blade and stab yourself with it." Cain began to get up and you stood up with him. "You said I have brother. The least you can do is tell me who it is." Cain walked around the table and stood within a few feet of you. "You'll know him when you see him." With that, Cain vanished and all that was left was your way home. 



Sam watched as Dean walked out of the bunker to go to town. Sam had to pull at everything he could to get Dean to move from your bedside. For the past two weeks, Dean had been sitting, eating, and sleeping by your side. Every muscle spasm from you body Dean was sure you'd wake up only to be let down when you didn't. Once Dean was gone, Sam went to check in on you. You were still sleeping. Over the last week, you body twitched so much and your breathing got ragged. Cas couldn't tell what was going on except that your brain was moving double time. Sam hoped to God that you woke up. Dean was wreck without you when you guys split and had to live life without you for six months. Now Dean had started to think that he would permanently live life without you. Sam couldn't bear the thought of seeing his brother in that kind of pain. It was just like him having to leave behind Lisa and Ben. "Hows she doing?" Cas's voice was beside Same. "Still sleeping." Sam said walking out of the infirmary. "I'm getting a drink I will be right back." Before Sam could reach the kitchen, there was glass shattering in the direction from which he came. Sam spun around and ran back to the infirmary. "Cas?" He rounded the corner to find you up and swinging at Cas. Cas tried to stop you and wasn't fighting back. "YN," Sam yelled as he ran in to stop you from getting hurt. Sam grabbed you from behind. "Hey, it's me. It's Sam." You threw your head back and got Sam square in the face. Sam grabbed his nose and felt the blood trickle down. "Stay back," You yelled. Sam saw that you had Cas's angel blade in hand.  "Okay," Sam and Cas watched as you raided the infirmary and drew a circle around yourself and sat in the middle of it. Sam noticed it wasn't just any circle. It was a protection circle. Cas wouldn't have been able to get in there and Sam, well, you were a good fighter and Sam didn't want to take his chances. The bunker door opened and Sam ran right out to find Dean heading down the steps. Dean must have seen the look on his brothers face. "What happened?" Dean asked. "She's awake, but before you go in there," Sam grabbed Deans arm. "I don't think shes aware that she's actually awake." Dean looked at his brother. "What do you mean?" He asked. Sam licked his lips. "She beat the crap out of Cas and headed butted me. She's in a protection circle with an angel blade pointed at her chest." 


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