Am not scared of her or anything like that. I just like sleeping with my door locked.


Lillian POV

*1 week later*

      It has been a fun-filled week with me and kelvin pranking each other throughout the week. None of us is willing to give up. It all started with me pranking him to get back at him. But I didn't expect him to prank me back, now we can stop pranking each other no one is willing to give up.

  "Lillian don't you like any of the wedding gowns here or do you want us to go to another store, "mom asked me bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Not yet mom but let me check from the other pile" I replied with a smile. As  I continue searching for my stupid wedding gown. Been a fashion designer and all I could have made my wedding gown. But am not going to stress me in making a wedding for a fake marriage. So mum offered to take me to her friend's boutique. Tiana was supposed to tag along with us so she can choose her chief bridesmaid dress but she called earlier to inform me that she was going to be late.


         I picked up a number of some wedding gowns that I liked. I am going to test them all to see the one I liked best. What!! Even if I decided not to make my wedding dress that doesn't mean am going to wear a trashy gown on my wedding day. Who knows if am going to get married again.

    Going into the changing room I tried out the first dress, it wasn't that bad. "How do I look guys," I asked as I twirl around a bit. Tiana and Vivian were already sited.

  "It looks Terrible"Tiana scoff out

"I Hate it " Vivi yells

"Why don't you go and try the next one sweetie" mom said with a smile.

    One after the other each dress was rejected.

   "But I like this one" I whine as Tiana shove me into the changing room.

   "It makes you look like a pregnant woman so go change" she stated. I don't know why I have to suffer through this am tired and hungry. Am taking this last one cute or not, I change into the next one. Wow, I love this one but let's see what the girls have to say about this one.

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    "You look beautiful lily" Vivi gush as she hugs me

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  "You look beautiful lily" Vivi gush as she hugs me.

  "Now you are looking like the bride of the year girl" Tiana yells excitedly while I checked out myself in the mirror. I love the dress it's so soft.

"My son is so lucky to have you, dear, you look like an angel sweetie," mom said with a smile.

  "Now let's go find your shoes" Tiana yells with a cute grin. Looking at her you would think she was the one getting married. I can't stand shopping right now I need to get out of this. Think Lilly think of a good excuse.

   " And Don't you dare try to get out of this Lilly, besides it's going to be quick? you just have to sit and try them on." She said trying to convince me. Reluctantly I followed them to the shoe section.

  *Three hours later*(let's assume its the sponge Bob narrator speaking)

        "Tiana am tired of trying out different shoes my feet hurt already" I whine to Tiana. Vivi and mom left already so are alone with the shopping monster. That is making things so hard if I was alone I would have picked the first white shoes I find. That is why I hate shopping with Tiana.


   "Quit whining girl and find your wedding shoes," she said bringing more shoes for me to try out.

"No no no I can't anymore you will have to have the wedding next week, without a bride cause is going to die today!!!" I yelled dramatically. Laying down on the couch in a dramatic way and waiting for my death.

   "Fine!! You whining baby go pick the one you like" she said with an eye roll giving in finally. I smiled jogging over to the racket where the shoes were pair with a cute pulse. I picked a pair I like and went to show Tiana as she nods in approval we paid for the shoes and dress with a kelvin credit card.

(Lilian purse and shoes above).



Thank you guys for reading I hope you like this chapter.

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Love you guys

Til next update




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