Chapter 11- Pain is real but so is hope

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Flo's pov :


Absolute awkward silence.

Minutes passed since Aura stormed out. With tension heavy in the air, no one made a single move to get out of their compartment. Arsen's faint snores were the only thing that was breaking the pin drop silence. This guy can sleep through anything.

We were still shocked from Andy's sudden outburst. Finally,after what seemed like hours,Andy left without a second glance. I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding in. Zach followed suit and shook Arsen awake. Eyes wild,a bewildered look on his face, Arsen jerked up and Zach grabbed him by the arm and pulled him out, Arsen still very confused. Scarly and I were the last to leave.

We found Zach, Arsen and Andy standing in the almost deserted platform. Aura was on the other side, buying tickets, which confused me. We weren't supposed to leave yet, and we were not gonna take the train. We were supposed to go get our stuff and leave using Cruz.

Scarly and I walked over to where the boys were standing, Andy standing a little far from them. Zach was briefing Arsen on what happened when he was asleep. Scarly was as silent as ever and Andy was playing a game on his phone, smashing his fingers against the screen rather harshly.

"Why's Aura buying tickets?" I ask, the two boys, confused.

"They're here again. With more men than before. We would be lucky if we can get away from them without getting caught" answered Arsen.

"Andy here got a call just before you arrived. Could tell that it was urgent." continued Zach, nudging Andy with his elbows slightly. Andy however never glanced up from his phone.

We were back. Back to the place where we could get killed. Back to the place we once called home. We were back in town. Our plan to sneak in was not going to take place. I was a bit relieved, the danger outweighed our safety and I sure as hell don't want to die until I find my family first.

I sighed inaudibly and leaned against a pole,taking out my diary from my bag. I mindlessly started writing, blocking out the entire world around me and entering my own world of words and music.


There once was a time

When my smiles weren't fake

I was allowed to make a mistake

There were no promises to make

There once was a time

When my laughter was real

When I used to share how I feel

There were no truths to conceal

But now is different

The present is conflicting

I'd trade all my tomorrows for one single yesterday

Sometimes I wish I could be who I used to be

The happy girl who thought that she could be free

Who didn't have to fake smiles so no one could see

That she was unhappy '

Sometimes I wish I could be who I used to be

I looked down at the poem and re-read it. I had no idea where this came from. I shut my notebook with a snap just as Aura approached me, her signature blank look back on her face.

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