Chapter 8 - Mother Nature be showing us the finger

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Aura's pov: 

"The virus is spreading rapidly and the experts still don't have a cure so please stay home. Keep yourself and your family safe."

" New York broke the record. More than ten thousand infected in one day."

" The president fails to answer questions regarding how long quarantine will last"

" Pandemic one, humanity zero"

I sigh wearily. Currently I was switching through the T.V channels but all of them were focused on one subject- the stupid virus. This was becoming a pain in the ass. No cure means no guarantee about when quarantine will end. This sucks. Right now,I would kill just to step a foot outside. I go back to finding something not virus related to watch. All the channels were filled with virus news. Heck even the cartoon channels had ads warning the children about the virus.

Switch. Switch. Switch. Switch .

A news channel caught my eye. A footage of some kind of rebel work was playing. I try to listen to what the reporter was saying over the percussive sound that my sister was making.

"Why are the corporations stealing from us? We want funds.We want food. How long do you think we can go on like this? We want our disaster funds. We want it now!" said a masked boy, after snatching the mic from the reporter. In the background, people were raiding a grocery store. Broken pieces of glass and metal were everywhere. The footage changes and this one shows people running out of a trashed pharmacy. Police arrived shortly and then footage was cut off.

"People have started raiding! What's happening? Can the police really control situations like this? And if they can then for how long? Will the scarcity of food lead to something horrendous? Is this the wake up call people need? Are the rebels right? Stay tuned to find out."

I shut off the t.v. What was happening to the world? Were those people right? Everyone is under lock-down so there's no one to produce food. The people are also using the internet a lot more than usual so the pressure is there.What if the internet collapses? What will happen to us? Will we survive this? Or is it the end?Will the world change as we know it?The world will become more chaotic than it already is. Isn't that fucking great? We took so much from mother nature without sympathy, it's only fair if she takes it back. I bet nature is probably showing us the middle finger now and laughing at our misery. Not that I blame her. Way to go,humans.

"Look at the bright side," says my mother from behind me, causing an abrupt end to my train of thoughts. " The virus solved two of the biggest problems - overpopulation and pollution." Leave it to this woman to find the bright side in everything.

" Yeah solving problems by killing people including infants and children." I said, chuckling bitterly. My mom was dumbfounded.

She was right though. But I wasn't going to show her that I agreed, or show her any emotions at all. Because I'm an "emotionless piece of crap". Her words,not mine.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a buzzing sound from my phone. I look at my phone screen to see a notification pop up. I was added back to the group chat by Flo. Rolling my eyes, I try removing myself from the group again just as another text comes from her.

Flo: WAIT!

Scarly: What do u want Flo?

Flo: Read this.

We became puzzle pieces,

we're falling apart

No one to click us back together again

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