Chapter 3- How do you think skunk meat tastes?

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Flo's pov:

I walked along the narrow back corridor that led away from the cafeteria towards the field. I had decided to buy some snacks for us before I headed towards the benches where the rest of our squad was seated. As I approached them I saw the eager expressions of the two girls and immediately started scolding myself. Oh god. What did I get myself into? Why did I have to think about that time in front of them? More importantly, when the hell did I start blushing?! Scarlette must have told Aurora because she kept on giving me curious glances. Ohhhh boy. Here we go. As I reached them, I sat down on the grass beside Scarly and handed each of them a pack of chips.

"Soooooooo, wassup?" I asked, trying to avoid the looks of the two girls. The boys were already fighting over chips and Cody was now chasing Andy around the field. Zach was still seated in his place and kept quiet, knowing what the girls were gonna ask me. Soon he too left, chasing after the other two guys.

"So Scarly tells me you were blushing a lot thinking of something?"

I still kept quiet while I munched on my chips.

"And that it had something to do with Zach?"

"What makes you think that?" I questioned, looking up at her.

"The fact that he very visibly choked when you said you were blushing cause you were 'reflecting' on something? And that you both answered too fast when I said something happened." Scarly replied this time.

"That doesn't prove anything" I reply to her theories.

" Damn it. Stupid migraine. I missed the show!" whined Aura. I just rolled my eyes at her. This girl... I couldn't help but sigh.

"Kay no seriously, tell us what happened" Scarly said in a rather serious tone.

"I already told you nothing happened!"

I'm not lying, I thought to myself. Nothing did happen. But something was about to,if not for my stupid phone. Wait stupid phone? No no not stupid. It was a good thing. It was my saviour...... I guess? But was it what you wanted to happen? Questioned my brain as if mocking me.

Shut up.

No you.

I am you, stupid.

Wait a second...... that's true.

Great! I'm talking to myself now! Arghh I'm going insane.

Tch tch... Going insane just by thinking of the intense moment shared with Zach, are we? Mocked my brain again.


I'm not wrong though


Suddenly I realised that I was still with the girls and they were looking at me with concern in their eyes, probably from seeing the weird faces I was making.

"You okay?" Aura asked me while Scarly just gave me a quizzical look. .

"Yea. Yea I'm fine" I lied,obviously not wanting to tell them that I was mentally arguing with my brain right now.

"So tell us what happened. Either you tell us willingly or we force it out of one of you." Aura threatened. I knew she was being serious about the forcing out part because she had done that before.

I groaned internally. Then something clicked. I could just tell them a made up story so that they would leave me alone. I can act very well, I give you that. So I just need to throw in some fake emotions here and there and boom - they'll fall for it. I smile evilly inside. Time to brew up a fake story!

Where do we go?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora