30 - Epilogue, The Pact

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Wolfie had always been the problem. Like a tick that wouldn't know when to stop biting, she would poke Him and prod Him until He was sorely tempted to travel down to Earth to fix her Himself. But no. This was a waiting game and He had to play His part. The meeting room of the Vaskelian Court was closed for the day, as many of the attendees were occupied with retrieving Alexarian Jacoa and her father. An empty knock resounded.

"Enter," He said. Ivan Locksley, Heir of Purgatory, tromped into the room. He was dressed down in a plaid shirt and breeches and had traded in his crown for a cloak.

"I take it no one saw you arrive?" Ivan's walked with an air of indifference, spine bent jovially backwards, as if he were permanently reclining in an armchair. As he strolled across the stone flag floor, Him glared. This Treaty was going to be the death of Him if he had to keep playing nice with Weres.

"Does it matter? The papers have been signed. We're to unite our armies at the beginning of the next Quarter-moon. All is well". He huffed and offered His arm in the direction of the chess set on the table.

"Care for a game?" Ivan looked sceptical.

"Is this really the appropriate occasion? Alexarian Jacoa – that abomination - is coming into your world. It was one thing for you to extend an invitation to her father"—

"Believe me, if I could've killed him on the spot, I would have done, but he cannot meet me. Not yet. Otherwise he will know".

"That you had his only son killed with the First Ring or about Sarahliene?" He slammed his fist onto the oak, knocking over the gathering of rooks and bishops.

"You know what I am referring to". Ivan carefully set the chess pieces back into position and proceeded to fish an old deck of Were-cards out of his pocket.

"Why don't we play something else?" He threw His arms up in the air.

"Enough games! Wolfie knows, Ivan". Ivan didn't glance up from the cards.

"The White Chaos knows? Colour me shocked".

"She contacted me, through her mind. Not only did she breach my defences, she knows who I am. I need you ready when I decide to make my next move". Ivan smiled.

"Always. And the boy?"

"What boy?"

"Jakelian Jacoa".

"He has chosen to be Jake Green – a human. He is of little consequence". Ivan leaned back into the chair and put his feet up on the table.

"Oh, I somehow doubt that". He rubbed His hands through His hair in frustration.

"Either way, I need you and your armies to prepare. We have a Pact, remember? If you do not help me to eliminate the parasites within the Jacoa Dynasty, I will wage war upon your Weres until every last one of them is dead".

"Our Pact has neither broken nor changed. I will help you see this through. Until the end of the Jacoa's". Ivan flicked up a card; it landed face down. When He turned it over, He could see His one wish coming true. He could see the future.

It was beautiful.

The End

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