"I'll have to talk to your father but there will not be any party throwing in my house." Sahara said.

"A beach party at the beach house." Ember suggested.

"Hm, we'll see."

"Where's aunt Draya?" Ember asked.

"Somewhere getting food at the court." Sahara shook her head.


A few minutes had passed before her aunt returned to the shop. Draya was so excited to see her only niece.

"Baby girl, how are you doing?" Draya asked embracing Ember. Draya and Sahara were identical twins except that Draya had a mole sitting near her eye. That was the only way people could tell the two apart.


"I tried to call you the other day and you didn't even answer." Draya tells Ember.

Ember looked over at her mother who didn't say anything, "I'm on punishment."

"Sahara, why you got this child on punishment?"

"Her father has her on punishment. Somebody has been sneaking out lately and coming home at two and three o'clock in the morning." Sahara said.

Draya raised her brow, "Don't act like we didn't do the same thing as kids. Let her have her fun."

Sahara shook her head, "You know why we can't just let her go anywhere she wants."

Draya nodded her head in understanding. She knew how Sahara felt about getting pregnant at such a young age. She even understood that her sister and brother-n-law were into illegal businesses.

Draya got started on Sahara's hair while Ember got her nails done first. She listened to her mother and her aunt gossip. Ember's mind wandered off to Adonis. She hasn't talked to him since that night and it's been a week. She hasn't even been seeing him at school. Ember hoped that everything was okay with him.

Once the woman finished up her nails, Ember sat with her aunt and let her straighten out her hair since she didn't feel like getting any weave.

"Ember, you got a boyfriend yet?" Draya asked.

Ember smiled a little. Adonis wasn't her boyfriend or anything but she did like him.

"No." Sahara answered before Ember could say anything.

Ember sighed and rolled her eyes, "I don't have a boyfriend but I'm seeing someone."

"No, you're not." Sahara butted in.

Ember ignored her mom as she continued, "His name is Adonis."

"Ooh. Adonis? What does he look like? Is he cute?" Draya asked.

Ember blushed, and nodded her head.

"She's talking about Ricky McKnight's son. I don't want you hanging around that boy, Ember. He's bad news." Sahara continued again before Ember could open her mouth.

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