There was a soft, gentle nudge on his shoulder. Voice barely audible from his wireless headphones with very low volume, it was relaxing. That's probably why he fell asleep unknowingly while doodling for the past three hours.

  Killua groans in response.    

   Acknowledging them that he's awake and didn't faint.

   Lifting up his dead weight head and wanting to lay down to continue sleeping. Decided not to cause any trouble and obliques to sit up to stretch upwards while yawning. Rubbing off his sleepiness in his heavy eyes, blinking due to bright light, a silhouette standing not to far away, for some reason still waiting.

   Eyes adjusting slowly, eyes were awake for clearer vision. Gazing up to see whoever woke him up and to thank him before he gets scolded by his friend, the person's eyes were the first thing he noticed.

  They were wide. Golden and shocked. A unique pair for a pair of eyes. Unmoving, watching Killua with a gape mouth seemingly speechless. 

  Killuas' eyes were puzzled and studied the confused guys face, following the lingering look of why he's so shocked-


   The mark.

   His blue iris widened at quick speed in slow realization, blood ran cold and hastily grabbed his solid black wrist band to messily cover up his right wrist of the glowing mark, dead of words.

   Packing his supplies to make a quick haste of escape, but then, an unexpectedly warm hand pulls on his cold, mark-less wrist. Attempt was futile of escaping and let himself sag in disappointment and pity, jealousy.

   "Wait. Can we talk? Please?"

  Killua wants to cry. He hates this. He won't admit it aloud, even with closest people, the feeling of breaking another one's heart is the most painful thing ever.

  Why can't he just have a normal life single? He's fine with it. It'll only get in the way of a nice person, nothing wanting more than a healthy bond he can't return no matter how hard he tries.

  No matter what attempts he makes, all he does as effort always leads to heartbreak and warm flowing tears down the others soft, understanding smiles.

   The breakup from years ago was devastating enough to prove he isn't worthy of relationships.

   Wishing the mark to disappear out of his casual stable life permanently from ruining another beautiful bond that'll soon be false. Like many others who fallen into the same pit, eventually finding someone suitable that their marks won't agree without consent. Later marks go away overtime that their love is true when finding the one.

   Killua just isn't sure what to believe anymore and accepts it no matter whether he likes or not.

  The person slowly releases the grip. Letting the pale hand fall in slow motion. Still not turning around and patiently waits, painfully. Preparing to decline and have another broken heart in his hands.

  The other sighs in a relieved manner, thinking he was actually gonna get away. He speaks up, sounding content. "Hey, I know you probably don't believe in this soulmate stuff, hearing countless stories from strangers and whatnot. I know it's not my place to stick my nose into others peoples love life-"

  "No. It's not. What kind of right do you have for mine? I don't even know you. Just confess already." He growls, trying to cover up the burning throat that'll cause him to pathetically stutter and present helplessness.

   Killua senses the stiffness and hears the audible gasp in shock response. He ignores the regret in his mind, letting the emptiness in the shop to let the guy get the message.

  It takes a minute, surprisingly composed and sounding unbothered by Killuas' rash words in a hurt tone before continuing, not what Killua had in mind.

  "Yeah, I'm sorry. I just heard from a friend telling me you're hurting because of this soul-mark. Telling everyone you're not interested even though you really want to, but, you're just afraid. And I have no right to make you choose what makes you happy, I only wanted to see if we can start from somewhere. You don't have to. I'll go. Sorry for intruding."

   The stranger rambles off with his words quickly before taking his leave, who was quickly stopped by the same hand he gripped earlier on, wrapped around his glowing wrist causing him to halt. Frozen is shock. Turning around to stiffen when witnessing the sudden hurt on Killuas' face, eyes shaking and shining.

  Killua beats him to say as he opens to ask what's wrong, now closed mouth to listen.

  "God dammit. This is so cliche. A coffee place of all places." He whispers instead and shakes his head. Getting a hold of himself from looking foolish when it's already too late for that.

  "Who told you about this? Why? Why do you care so much for a stranger like me with a high record of rejections and still have the nerve of knowing the outcome? Just why? I'm a waste of time for love. Explain." He shamelessly demanded.

  God. Isn't he hearing himself right now? Ridiculous! Why does he sound so desperate and just ignore the rest?

   The other was stunned by the loaded questions, unsure which one to answer. He eventually chose the first one.

  "Kurapika. The other tattoo artist. I went there because as a dare that my friends made me do. I didn't mind, actually, I wanted one for awhile. Though, the first time I saw you, you ignored me. Didn't think much of it until I saw the wrist began to glow. I thought it was your work partner. It proved me wrong when you left." The man blushed slightly pink, making Killua blink in surprise.

  "I-I know from later on of what you're going through about the soulmates stuff, knowing it wasn't into liking very well, I insisted of getting to know you and get a tattoo from you by doing so." Pausing, pulling his forgotten hand back to his neck. Bashfully remembering some of the work Killua made in a separate book that he found cool after getting his first tattoo.

   Of course he doesn't say it, he's sure that the artist heard it countless times to get to his heart. He's not using that against him for good intentions.

  "Like today, you left early as your other worker told me that your were at his new boyfriends coffee shop. A place where you usually stay. I'm not sure why he told me this, I guess he saw my mark and told me everything without stopping him. Assuming I was interested and he was correct. Couldn't stop thinking about you since then. Cliche,  I know. But if you want me to go away I can-"

  He was quickly stopped by a pair of soft lips against his already burning cheek causing him to gasp loudly. Staying put in stunned shock mode like an alert dear in headlights.

   Unable to respond, the white haired male was blushing heavily up his ears, eyes obviously avoiding anywhere except his own.

  "S-sorry, I shouldn't have done that. Got caught in the moment. It's seriously unlike me. W-wanna start off by going on a date? Taking it slow?" Finally having the courage to stare back at those bright hazel circles sparkling from the stores light above them, eagerly waiting for a response.

  Killuas' aware of how out of character he sounds and being but he doesn't care and takes the dangerous leap of following his pounding heart instead.

   The other was bewildered, but gained composure with the blush still painted fresh on his tanned cheeks and nods.

   "S-sure. A date sounds nice." He smiles, causing butterflies to flutter in Killuas' stomach and weaken the knees slightly.

   Killua chuckles softly. "Before that, what's your name? Mines Killua."



"I suppose I should give the mark some credit, right?"


It's up too you what the glowing marks were on their wrists. There are many possibilities, but imagining them is more fun.

The ending was meh to me, not really good with endings. Hope it was decent.

𝐴𝑢-𝑔𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝐺𝑜𝑛𝑘𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑢 𝑆ℎ𝑜𝑟𝑡 𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑠Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu