3. Soulmates

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Not sure how I feel about this one, but hey, it's here.




   Soulmates felt bitter on Killuas' tongue and mind.
   An indistinguishable expression painted the bored males face, remembering the brief interaction from earlier of his customer that made his stomach churn in discomfort. The souls looked hopeful with flushed cheeks as their symbols on the glowed.

   Killua disputes his amusement and bluntness that the symbol doesn't resemble his persona and hobbies. Earning a sad look in response, no words. Understanding the situation could mean someone else. Which made Killua sigh in relief and continued on normally with another heartbreak.

   A kind of break that needs to take a break.

   Normally unfazed by each one that somehow happens once a day, annoyingly enough at his job.

   Working at a tattoo parlor as a part time job to pay rent at his single home apartment. Living a swell life alone every day. Seemingly perfect for anyone who wants to have a casual life after graduating from University. But life seems to take it as a different meaning.

   Annoyingly by throwing desperate lovers looking for a partner to complete their life goals or whatever of wanting to feel happy directly towards him in the hope that Killua will partake in that offer. An offer politely declined every single time.

Doesn't matter what they look like or what kind of personality or family riches they hold to impress that anyone would snatch right off the silver plate.

   A plate he finds distasteful for his simple life styles, even many people he's close acquainted call him crazy for declining their love even though they were genuine and said they had a crush on him from school. Any grade. You name it.

    He gives a bored shrug and tells them that the symbolic marks on everyone's wrist feels all to forceful rather than finding real love on your own without the marks permission of finding true love. True love that makes you feel actual true emotions and beating heart for the ones they find love with.

   Why bother having a mark telling you what to do like a damn machine and find love themselves? That actually makes them feel complete and happy is better than force love with fake emotions and to cover up that love or uneasiness swelling their truthful hearts telling them no.

   What's wrong with this universe forcing people to love even if they are not interested even if platonic as in friendship?

   Killua groans inwardly and painfully grips his hair. Barely noticing Kurapika squeeze his shoulder, telling him he can go home for the evening. He gladly took the offer. Changing out of his clothes and taking his leave when done, carrying his bag on one shoulder saying his goodbye before passing a stranger who quietly walked in.

   He didn't see if it was his coworker or another customer, but he didn't care. Wanting nothing more than to just sleep.

  "I just want one day with no soulmate junk and live my own life. Is that so hard to ask?"
Thinking bitterly when waving away and finally leaves the store.


   "Why are you so cheerful? It's unlike you." Killua asks grumpily at Leorio when stepping into the coffee shop, who simply shrugs at the norm question in a bored tone and prepares his friends drink.

  "Nothing. Just happy to see my regular grump coming in. How'd work go today? Anymore people believing you're their soulmate?" He asks. Killua groans, answering the man's question.

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