20. Your Person, Your People

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When Callie awoke the next morning, her world was different, it was seen through a fractured lens. Her eyes were red and swollen. Her throat hurt, she had a headache, and the idea of going to school made her feel a whole other kind of sick. She heard the quiet shuffle of the morning from Jesus, Mariana, and Jude. She stayed put.

Callie clung tightly to Brandon's pillow listening to the music she had found the night before. Lena knocked on the door checking to be sure Callie was awake. When she saw Callie her heart sank. Lena had never seen her look so broken before. 

"I can't go, after yesterday, and I can't go not knowing what--" she shook her head and did her best to hold back a quake of tears.

"I heard from Stef. Brandon's surgery went as well as can be expected, he is under sedation as they watch for infection over the next several hours," Lena said trying to comfort Callie 

"He's not awake yet?" Callie asked tightening her throat,

"Not yet, but he will be," she pulled Callie closer, "You need to go to school, sitting around here wallowing in this... Jesus, Mariana," she paused, "and Jude, they are afraid too"  Callie nodded,

"I'll be down in ten," Callie pulled her hair up into a flop on top of her head. She pulled on the jeans she was wearing yesterday and the undershirt she had slept in. She went to Brandon's closet, she choked out a laugh when she saw that blue camo atrocity,  when she saw what she was looking for she pulled out his favorite hoodie and threw it over herself.

When she went to the bathroom to wash her face and Mariana was still doing her hair.

"Morning," Callie mumbled, she could feel Mariana's eyes on her, questioning everything from her hair to her choice to wear almost the exact same thing from yesterday,

"You doing okay Cal?" Mariana was almost hesitant about it, like she almost didn't want an answer

"I'm fine, I was just cold, and..." Callie trailed off for a second, "I'm fine," 

By the time Callie got downstairs everyone was headed out to the car. Callie sat in the front seat without saying a word and tried to think about anything other than the fear that consumed her. Worried glances were exchanged but no one spoke. They knew what was going on and though they were worried they didn't say anything. 

More than once that day at school Callie went through the motions, more than once people asked her if she was okay, and more than once she lied to those people and subsequently lied to herself. At lunch she found herself wandering up into the music room, she found an out of sight corner to rest her head on as she curled up against the wall. She didn't want to draw attention but she also wanted to just draw in, to herself, away from everyone who wasn't Brandon. 

Shortly after lunch Robert had sent her a text asking for an update. She responded quickly telling him about the blood work they were waiting on. He told her he would be by the hospital tonight with dinner for the family. 

By the time the day was over Callie felt like she could barely keep her head up. She hadn't slept well last night and after everything today she didn't really want to be awake. She sat on the bench at the front of school waiting for Jude, Mariana, and Jesus. Lena would be here to pick them up any minute. 

When Jude sat next to her, she jolted a bit, 

"I didn't see you coming," Callie said wrapping an arm around Jude,

"Are you okay Cal?" Jude asked, Callie leaned over and rested her head on Jude,

"I'm just tired, I didn't sleep well last night," 

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