11. Fair

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"Here just let me get this started--" Robert was lighting the fire pit in the backyard, "then I'll head in and get us some drinks," 

"Thank you, Mr. Quinn" Brandon said before sitting down in one of the chairs.

"Not a problem, and please, call me Robert," Robert smiled again before heading back inside.

Callie shivered. It wasn't excactly cold but it wasn't exactly warm either. Brandon went to offer her his jacket when she shook her head.

"It's okay," she said before walking to a trunk off to the side. She pulled from it a fleece blanket and brought it back to her chair.  When she sat down Brandon was smiling at her. "What?" she asked

"This place," he said nodding to the house, "It suits you,"  Callie laughed

"It absolutely does not," she shook her head, "I am still wrapping my head around the fact that I don't have to pay for college"  they looked at the fire unsure of what to do in this moment alone, "How's Lou? Did she have fun last night?" Brandon seemed taken aback by this but Callie knew enough to know that they would fall into their roles as pseudo boyfriend and girlfriend if they didn't bring up their actual relationships enough. 

"She had fun. She's a fun girl. " he paused, he knew something had gone down with Wyatt. Something Callie had been reluctant to even begin to talk to him about, "Did you have fun?" 

Callie let out a small laugh and then shrugged. "It was a loaded night. I think," she took a breath finally ready to say the one thing that she had been dreading, "I know Wyatt and I are over," Brandon started to say something but Callie shook her head, "We won't be talking until next week, he needed some space, but I shouldn't be with him. It's not fair,"  

"Fair?" Brandon asked, 

"He deserves someone who can love him in the way he deserves and I just, I mean I love him but I'm not in love with him like he deserves, he just deserves more from someone" Brandon just nodded. 

He didn't want to think about the implications. The more available Callie became the harder it was to convince himself of the impossibility of something happening between them. He felt bad for Wyatt. He did. Though if he was honest there was a part of him that was relieved. Relieved that her heart didn't belong to anyone. To anyone else at least.

"Here we go," Robert came through the doors pushing a wooden cart of various drinks and what was assumed to be a bucket of ice, "I didn't really know what you guys drank so I brought some of everything,"  

Sure enough when Brandon and Callie took a closer look it seemed as though Robert had raided a vending machine. Brandon took a Coke, and Callie grabbed a Fresca. Robert handed them each a glass with ice. It struck Callie how hard Robert seemed to be trying. When he finally sat down Robert smiled at them. 

"You are both Juniors right?" Robert asked, Callie nodded and Brandon responded with, 

"Yes, sir" 

"So what is college looking like? What are you guys thinking about studying?" Robert asked. Brandon looked towards Callie as if prompting her to answer while he formulated his thoughts. 

"I guess I'll start," Callie said putting her hands together, "I definitely want to do something that I am passionate about, I've thought about Photography as a career, maybe get a business degree and  maybe run my own studio," Robert was smiling, "I mean I've thought of other things too, I also, I want to work with kids who are alike me and Jude. I don't know it sounds really strange to me now but maybe running a group home like Rita?" she shook her head, "That would mean though probably a degree in social work or psychology and a masters in counseling," Brandon looked surprised at her answer "I talked to Rita about this before," 

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