7. Time

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Over the next few weeks, Brandon became Callie's official ride to the Quinns. He would schedule band practice so he could take her and get his studying/homework done. That was the reason he used at least. 

Stef had asked him why he liked taking Callie. She was obviously concerned about the motive. He had told her there was a good coffee shop nearby and it was nice to be able to sit down and get homework done. It was known that he and Callie got dinner on the way home from the Quinn's and Stef and Lena began supplying Brandon with a little cash for that. 

They didn't always go to a sit down place, sometimes they picked up dinner and ate in the car. It was nice to be able to talk or to not talk. They even got to a point where they could at least in passing talk about Wyatt and Lou. 

After a particularly grueling session of note taking for history and the discussion questions Brandon pulled up to the Quinns and found Callie waiting outside with Sophia as usual. Callie was holding a water bottle and Sophia was holding two.  When Brandon put the car in park, Sophia walked around to the driver side and he started to roll down his window.

"Hey Sophia," Brandon said smiling, still surprised at how much Callie and Sophia looked alike. 

"Hey Brandon," she pulled the water up to the window, "I know you guys have a long ride ahead,"

"Thank you," Brandon said, "Very thoughtful of you," Sophia's smile widened and she headed back to the front door, 

"Have a good week!" she said to them before they officially started pulling away.

Brandon lifted the water to Callie, "This was nice," Callie nodded,

"I think you made Sophia's week," Brandon looked confused,

"Calling her thoughtful, saying hi, saying her name, she has a lot to mull over tonight" 

"What are you talking about?" Brandon said now more confused than ever.

"I believe," Callie started, "that my little sister has a crush on you," Brandon guffawed, then pursed his lips together in a smug grin,

"Can't blame her," Callie punched Brandon's arm, 

"Ow," he said brushing off his arm and laughing, "I just mean, it runs in the family," Callie's eyes widened as Brandon waited for a reaction still grinning smugly

"Brandon, Oh my, Brandon, You did not just--" Callie shook her head but she was smiling too, "I can't believe you just took it there. I think I'm offended" 

"I'm just saying, she was predisposed," Brandon turned on his blinker and shifted lanes, 

"I guess there's no accounting for taste"

"Touche" Brandon responded, he turned the car down the primary neighborhood street, "Where to for dinner?" Callie shrugged and yawned,

"Can we pick something up?" she asked as she looked down at her phone, "I'm supposed to call Wyatt tonight," 

"Supposed to?" Brandon asked,

" I haven't seen very much of him this week, and I barely spoke to him today so I need to call him and just debrief" Brandon nodded, 

"Where we headed?" 

"Your pick," Callie answered,

"Taco Crunch it is, that Taco C is calling my name," Callie shrugged as Brandon pulled over to the right hand lane. 

"How are things with Lou?"

"They are good, she's cool," then he snapped finger, "Oh yeah, I was supposed to ask, if you and Wyatt wanted to go on a 'double date'. I was told not to use that phrasing because Lou thought it sounded dorky, but basically that's what it is," 

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