14. Fault

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"I'm telling you something is going on," Jude said for the fifth time during this conversation with Jesus

"Look, I know you think something is going on but Callie and Wyatt just broke up I mean people need time to you know do stuff and like get past it or whatever," Jude gave Jesus a look,

"Yeah... just how long did Haley come after Emma?" Jude said, eyebrows raised. Jesus shook his head,

"That's different, and I wasn't over Emma-- Obviously." Jesus gestured to the picture of he and Emma that he kept on his bedside table. That was no secret. However Jude was one of the few people in the world who knew that behind that picture was a picture of Jesus, Mariana and Lexi from the Mariana's Quince,

"Jude?!" There was a sound of panic as feet ran desperately up the stairs. "Jude! Jude?" Mariana said now poking her head into Jesus and Jude's room,

"Finally!" Jude said, gesturing for her to have a seat on Jesus' bed,

Mariana looked from side to side and put more together than she had been able to do over the phone, "Jude! I thought you were like... dead!"

"If I was dead how would I be able to text you?" Jude asked

"Irregardless!" Mariana said, annoyed at what little attention Jesus was giving to this conversation, "What is this even about?"

"Jude has himself all worked up because Callie and Wyatt broke up," Jesus started,

"And its because of Brandon!" Jude yelled trying to cut Jesus off.

"All Callie would tell him is that sometimes people who are supposed to make you happy just don't," Jesus said giving Jude a look of superiority, "And I tried to tell him it sounds like your run of the mill break up,"

"I'm still getting past the idea that Callie and Wyatt actually broke up, I just... I didin't see that coming," Mariana said, shaking her head, "Why do you think its about Brandon?"

"Because. Because she's downstairs playing music with him in the garage right now. Because Callie breaks down. Because Callie can't handle feeling alone and she doesn't do well with it. She's I don't know-- she's okay and I feel like that has something to do with feeling like she's safe or has some kind of safety net,"

"And you think Brandon's her safety net?" Mariana asked confirming Jude's story,

"You guys are both crazy, one doesn't always have to do with the other," Jesus went back to his phone which had been going off periodically throughout their conversation.

"Yes," Jude said answering Mariana's question "I do."


"I broke up with Lou," Brandon blurted in the silence that filled the pause between the music. A smile broke across Callie's face,

"I ended things with Wyatt," she reached across the keyboard as Brandon pulled back,

"There's more," he said. Brandon closed his eyes and took a breath,"There's more to the story than what I've told you,"

"What do you mean?"

"Um, a lot happened during..." he paused trying to find a word for the period of time they didn't talk

"The silent time?" Callie said with an attempt at a smile,

"Yeah. Um," Brandon closed his eyes trying to figure out where to begin, "Do you remember the money that I kept from my piano lessons? The money I owed my dad?" Callie nodded,

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