2. Reverberations

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"We are "Someone's Little Sister" and you have been rocked!" the set finished and Lou stepped back to Brandon.

"They loved it! I told you it was AMAZING." a few weeks ago Brandon had spent time trying to transcribe his original work from paper onto the computer to have electronic copies of them just in case.  He hadn't meant for anyone to look at them. He had a few about his family but mostly, mostly they were about Callie. Mostly they were about the hurt and the pain and not the love. Mostly they were wishful thinking. Outlaws was the only one he had sung to her. It was the only one that really had amalgamated all of his feelings of her. It had been Matt who saw it on his computer-- Outlaw he thought sounded edgy. He opened the file and played the rough recording Brandon had made. 

They loved it. It was catchy, it had a hook, it was a good song. When they had finished rehearsal that day Brandon had requested that this not be something they played at shows. He claimed he just didn't think it was "ready". He couldn't tell them the truth. He couldn't tell him that hearing his current girlfriend sing words he meant for his... Callie. He never thought of her as his ex-girlfriend because they weren't that, what they were went so beyond that. The song started and Callie had been in Wyatt's arms, he had kissed her, and Brandon felt a monster swell in him. He glanced over at her again when the chorus started and saw the wave of recognition flood her face. He had to look away. He looked at the keyboard, then over to Lou. 

Each line of this song had been written so carefully, though only one line had been an offer. An offer Callie had accepted the first time she heard it. An offer he had wanted to make her again that night at his dad's apartment. "I'm just an Outlaw, Wanted, if you want me" . It was the line he thought in his most desperate moments that would bring her back to him. It was only then that he had dared to steal a look at her. As soon as his eyes hit hers she looked down and  then she was gone. Jesus had followed. And Brandon cursed the band in his head. The rest of the show he had played with a a terrible pit in the bottom of his stomach.

"Brandon!" Matt called over,  "I know you weren't really ready for everyone to hear it, but they loved it!" Lou wrapped her arms around Brandon's neck. 

"You have a poetic soul, Brandon Foster," he felt himself having to remind his body how to react. He shook off the feelings of guilt and, okay he could admit it, a fair amount of pain. He put a smile on. Lou kissed him and Brandon felt numb. 

"I'm going to go say hi to my family really quick" he said now noticing that Emma had left too. Mariana was standing next to Wyatt who was looking concerned. 

"Brandon!" Mariana squealed, "So good. Outlaws. Good Song. Who knew you had that in you!" she gave him a hug and he glanced over at what seemed to be a glacial Wyatt, 

"Where'd everybody go?"  Brandon asked. Where did Callie go-- was his thought, 

"Callie got sick," Wyatt responded dully, 

"Yeah, Jesus said she was all vomitty and disgusting. Gross." Brandon nodded and then looked back to the stage. He was supposed to help clear up after the set. 

"I'm still taking you home, Mariana?" she nodded,

"Yeah," but she wasn't looking at him, she was looking at Matt.

"Hey man," he said turning to Wyatt, "Thanks for coming," Wyatt nodded and then turned to Mariana,

"You okay for me to leave?"  Mariana nodded and then walked straight to the stage where Matt stood. He forced a laugh and shook his head, "Later man," he said to Brandon before walking out the door. Wyatt had wanted to ask more questions. He wanted to know what that song was. He wanted to know if Callie was really sick. He wanted to know if he would ever be able to overcome this thing with Brandon. Brandon who played it cool but never seemed to really trust Wyatt. Brandon who even though he had a girlfriend could be caught eyeing Callie more than he should. Callie had made her choice though. She had chosen him. Or had she just been left with him.

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