just something... | Yoongi

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tiny bit of smut here so go away if underage.
if you expirenced watching smut, you can stay or not.

after that text whereas that yoongi told him to go to his house. and hoseok had a well-known route to his textmate's house. and he is rich as fuck, but still had a life of a average-class.

'fuck, what if yoongi...is...no, he is not.'

hoseok rang the doorbell and yoongi answered. "oh! hey there sen- oh i mean hoseok!"

"hey yoongz." hoseok replied with a deep monotone voice.

"wanna come in?" yoongi insisted.


hoseok entered the house and wow the space is h u g e. he had his eyes gleam around yoongi's house, "hey! lets watch 50 Shades, ey?" yoongi giggled.

"erm, i didn't watch it but yeah, imma watch it with you."

'yes!~ senpai will watch with meee !!'

yoongi asked hoseok to sit down while he cooked some popcorn.he arrived with the popcorn, plop the cd in and the movie started. hoseok suddenly put his hand on yoongi's thigh.

'wait, senpai put his hand on my th-thigh..ON MY THIGH GODDAMN YOONGI. abort, don't touch his hand! he-he might be..uh...disappointed yeah!'

"uh, yoong?"

yoongi snapped and hummed in response. "you okay?"


hoseok put his lips on yoongi's cheek to represent 'aw you adorbs.'

'ugh...his lips on my skin is...addicting like nicotine...i want more,,,,!!!'

hoseok stood up and stretched, looking on his watch realizing its late. "imma leave now yoongi. see ya at school." hoseok opened the door and waved goodbye.


'i love him sexually...already..' yoongi felt his member harden on that thought.


a/n: mi braincells gone. i will try to update this when i have the ideas.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 15, 2020 ⏰

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