28- The Second Princess

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As I looked back into his eyes, I couldn't tell what kind of emotion they were holding.

A bit of anger and confusion, maybe.

It would make sense. 

Melty did turn out to be royalty, after all, something he despises for making his life harder than it already was.

They were the ones that sprouted his hate for this world when he was only trying to do his best.

I put a hand on Naofumi's back and provided him with a warm smile that told him that everything was okay.

I felt that his fire diminished a little, and our little staring and the comforting session came to an end when we heard voices calling us from the distance.

"Naofumi-Sama! Amaya!"

We both looked towards the direction of the voice and found Raphtalia and Filo running to us.

"What happened?" Raphtalia asked after seeing the state of the once peaceful market.

"Oh,  it's that guy again." I pointed my head over to the blonde guy's position before he came over and knocked me over a bit.

Seeing that everything had been sort of resolved, the Spear hero decided to leave the bitch's side and walk over to Filo pushing me in the progress.

I rolled my eyes.

He used his grubby leech hands to latch onto Filo's soft ones.

I immediately deepened my frown.

"Filo-Chan, that's your name, isn't it? Naofumi is working you like a swine, isn't he."

"I like pulling the carriage!" Filo said with a small and innocent smile.

"Naofumi, you swine! You're making her pull that wagon like that fat bird?" Motoyasu angrily asked again, getting his spear ready.

Naofumi, Raphtalia and I were also on alert.

"You said that to me last time too..." 

"What?" His face was surrounded by hundreds of question marks.

"You called me a fat bird last time too!" Filo stated, transforming into her bird form.

The shock on Motoyasu's face was so amusing, that I started laughing at his awestruck face.

"You were that fat pot of lard?"

Filo turned even more infuriated than she already was.

"I hate you, spear guy!" Filo simply said to him as she kicked his precious part.

My laughs deepened, even more, when I saw that man flying through the air with tears streaming down his face.

The weird dangling thing in front of his part was also kicked off in the process and it broke in the middle of the air.

I slapped my thighs with tears sliding down my face when I heard the bitch scream his name in despair.

"Good going Filo!" I told her, giving her a thumbs up.

Filo looked a bit angry, but she smiled at me seeming proud of what she had just done.

When the guy finally landed on the hard stone ground with a thud, Ms. Red hair immediately ordered the soldiers to bring the doctors over to him to solve his tiny problem there.

After wiping my tears away, I saw out of the corner of my eye Melty sighing.

I understand you! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2020 ⏰

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