2- Another World

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As my eyes fluttered awake, I observed my surroundings.

Trees, nature, and what seemed like orange balloons with faces were around me.

I was really confused, knowing that I was hit by a car, and that I should've been in the hospital, or somewhere normal. Not a strange place that I never knew existed in Japan.

"What could those be? Orange balloons?"

The moment I started speaking, what may be 10 'balloons' look towards me.

They had eyes, and a creepy smile or grin..

I'm not exactly sure why, but I actually thought they were kind of cute.

I had no time to think about how cute they are, because a pain on my left side dragged me out of my thoughts.

"Ouch! Hey, what are you anyway?"

They growled, and more came over to me.

"Well whatever you are, you sure hurt, that's for sure."

They wouldn't stop coming, so I decided to make a run for it.

Being faster than those bouncing balloons, I hid behind a tree successfully and sighed.

Looking down at myself, I realized that I was not wearing anything like a normal person would; or at least, I would.

Instead of what I would usually wear (a sweater and shorts), I had a very fancy dress-like thing? I'm not exactly sure what I'm wearing myself.

It was white with streaks of light blue on the sides, and my back was exposed.

I was actually quite happy with it, not going to lie. It showed off all of my only curves, and the colour scheme was totally my thing.

It was a massive glow up from what I was wearing a few days ago.

I had what seemed like guns on either side of me.

When I took them out of their holsters, I examined them closely.

With pretty much the same colours on it as my dress, the only thing different were the golden streaks engraved throughout the gun.

When I looked down, I had boots with the same scheme, and that was pretty much it.

"This is so cool! Man, this place really is awesome."

Thinking about this place, a wave of confusion hit me.

"Wait, where am I?"

From a distance, I could make out some bouncing; probably coming from the balloons I thought I'd escaped earlier.

My heartbeat quickened, and I waited for them to come over to me.

I had one of my guns with me, ready to shoot.

Once I saw one in front of me I quickly pulled the trigger, aiming for it.

When a bullet came out, I was quickly shocked by the rebound power, and missed..?

I quickly got ready for another shot, but I wasn't fast enough.

The balloon had got me.

"Ouch! You really hurt! Uhh.. what do I do now?"

I looked around me, and saw no one who could help me.

"Fine.. You and your buddies asked for it."

I grabbed the balloon that latched onto my arm with it's teeth, and threw it to the ground.

Quickly stepping on it with the heels of my boots, it popped.

I used to fight with Chiyoko over how many balloons we stepped on and popped at the end of parties and other occasions where balloons were involved.

Although Chiyoko was the one who won pretty much all of the 'battles', I was pretty good myself.

Chiyoko was just too good.

After popping what seemed like 50 of those balloons, my legs got tired but they just wouldn't stop coming.

"Arghhhhhhh.. When do they stop?"

I gave up and sat underneath the tree I hid behind, and let the balloons bite me.

I know I had 2 guns, but I just couldn't fire them.

Ignoring the pain, I stared at the sky that turned dark.

"So I've been stomping balloons for hours huh? It's turned dark. Even Chiyoko would be tired by now."

I closed my eyes, and the pain around my slowly faded as I drifted off.


"Wait, who is she?"

"She looks pretty cute, not going to lie. Even when she's covered by balloons"

Waking up to the sound of weird guys, I opened my eyes.

"Ah! She's awake!"

I looked up to see 2 guys.

One had red hair and green eyes, and the other had silver hair and pale blue eyes.

"What are you doing here, miss?" Asked the red haired male.

"Well, this sounds sketchy, but I came from another world, I think. I'm not exactly sure though.. Just to make sure, where am I?"

Both of the males looked at each other skeptically.

"Well, we are in The Kingdom of Melromarc, miss.. Where did you come from?"

I scrunched my face up in confusion but continued to answer the question from the red haired guy.

"I came from somewhere called Japan.. Have you ever heard of it?"

They both looked at each other again.

"Umm, no.. I never knew a place like that had ever existed! Tell us more about your world if you could please!" Exclaimed the red haired male.

"Well before that, at least tell me your names."

"No problem! My name is Adryel, and my brother here is named Aaro."

"Yo." said the emotionless silver haired boy with a simple shrug.

"Ignore my brother, he's a bit of a hassle. Let us show you around!"

I tried standing up, but my numb body kind of collapsed after trying.

"Miss, are you okay? Can you stand?"

I smiled at how worried both of the boys looked.

"I'm fine, thank you. Just a bit numb after being bitten by those nasty orange balloons over there for the entire night."

"The entire night?? You had no place to stay?" Questioned Adryel, his face more worried looking than before. Even Aaro seemed concerned.

"Yeah.. I did just land here yesterday and I have no idea how things work here. I don't know this place at all!" I giggled.

Their faces relaxed after seeing my carefree smile and hearing me giggle.

"Oh, also.. Don't call me miss anymore! I can't get used to it. Call me Amaya!"

They nodded, and gave me 2 thumbs up.

"Well then, I'll have to start walking, right?" I reminded them as I tried standing up again.

This time with a little less effort and more success, I stood up and both of the guys clapped for me. I bowed, and we all laughed.

"I think we're going to get along just fine."

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