1- Sudden Change of Opinion

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"The thing is Amaya, he's really cute when you get to know him. I might even have a crush on him now! Squealed my childhood best friend, Chiyoko. "The way he ruffles my hair is everything too!"

My friend had hated this dude in our class for a while now because of how he chased after her everyday. Who knew she was going to change that opinion of her's in such a short period of time? She was talking about how much she hated him too.  Now she likes him back?

"Chiyoko, calm down. I thought you were ranting on the phone to me a few days ago about how much you despised him?" I reminded her.

"But my opinion has totally changed about him! He's absolutely adorable! His brown eyes, his tiny nose, everything! I don't get how I used to hate him. He's my ideal type!"

I sighed, "whatever you say. Well, I have to go now, so have fun with your boyfriend. He'd probably appreciate a date with you or something."

"Will do, friendo! Stay safe, okay?"

I turned my back to her and waved.

I walked down the street to my house. I passed by a few of my classmates, and looked at the few shops that caught my interest.

Sometimes I really don't understand her.. That girl. But I guess that's the reason why my life is bright and interesting.  Without her, I'd probably be a completely different person.

When I was younger, I had always been alone, dark, and quiet. Nobody tried to speak with me; and the same on my side.

I had no friends because of how unapproachable I seemed to be, and that fact didn't change for the next few years of my life.

I guess you could say I yearned for love that came from someone other than my family.

Then again, they didn't give me much attention anyway.

So I stayed quiet until i was in the second year of elementary.

A girl with short, black, and curly locks hopped into the classroom I was in.

"Hello everyone! My name is Chiyoko, and I want to be friends with all of you! Especially you!" She demanded jokingly (or so I thought) while pointing at me.

My eyes widened, and everyone looked my way for the first time in ages.

"Alright! Please treat Chiyoko with respect, everyone! Go take a seat beside Amaya over there."

"Thank you, teach!" She said as she happily bounced to the seat beside me.

She looked at me and smiled with her perfect teeth, which caused the corner of my lips to drift upward a little.

Remembering the great memory of finally having my first friend, I grinned and looked across the street.

Chiyoko's birthday was in a couple of days, and I wanted to get her a present she'd find useful.

She was always one for cute clothes, like a pink fluffy scarf, or really light skirts.

The shop I was looking at on the other side of the street seemed to have everything that she wanted, so I got ready to cross the street.

Waiting for the light to signal when I could walk, I stared at my wallet.

"All of the things she wants are really quite expensive, so I'm sorry.." I pet my wallet.

"I'll fill you up when my paycheck comes in, alright?"

I heard the beeping sound, and walked to the shop with what I could buy for Chiyoko in mind.

That was not the only thing I heard, unfortunately.

The sound of a car roaring and beeping at my side was enough to catch my attention.

As I looked to the side, the bright lights of the car shined in my face.

Once I got a grasp of what was happening, it was already too late.

I felt myself crash into the car with full force, and my body was sent to the other side of the road.

Liquid trickled down my face, and everything hurt.

I heard muffled voices surrounding my, and with my blurry vision, I could make out a face that seemed different from the others.

He had green eyes, and brown hair.

His worried face was weird.

He was kind of cute, not going to lie.

But that wasn't the only thing.

He seemed special, and I just couldn't stop staring at him.

Before my eyes shut, he came closer to me, and what seemed like whispers resonated in my ears.

"Stay with me.."

And with those comforting words of a stranger that seemed so familiar to me in a strange way, every part of my body seemed to shut down.

As my vision faded, his blurry face brightly shone in my head.

"Okay." I whispered back with all the energy I could muster.

Guns and Shield (The Rising of the Shield Hero Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora