8- Was I just recruited?

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Naofumi dragged me around the city for the rest of the day, making me go get some armour.

Stating simply, he basically made me a part of his party somehow.

We focused on training for the next few days and that made me wonder,

'Wait why am I here?'

We camped out in the wilderness which made me sneeze, and I couldn't get used to it enough to sleep.

Eventually, I couldn't sleep so I stood up and practiced with my gun again.

My sore arm always ached in protest, but I pushed myself to forget about it.

I watched all the sunrises and watched out for the 2.

I smiled at how cute they both were while they were sleeping.

After the days of camping out and making our own food, we finally returned to the city and got some actual food.

We ate together at the restaurant I first met him in the next day.

He didn't know that though, I think.

"Hey, this is where you were before you started stalking those guys and I, right?"


"Uhmm, what are you talking about, haha.."

While we ordered for our food, Raphtalia immediately asked for the cheapest instead of the child meal that Naofumi was planning to order her.

"I'm an adult! I want the cheapest too!" She stated, her tail swaying from side to side furiously.

The waiter looked surprised, but didn't question her.

Naofumi had a shocked and surprised look on his face, and I giggled.

As the food came onto our table, I sighed with content.

Delicious food~

However, someone beside me certainly didn't feel that way.

Naofumi looked at his face, and scrunched his face up in disgust and confusion when he chewed the food slowly.

"Is there something wrong with the food?" I asked him, wondering what was wrong about this amazing stuff.

"It's bland." 

I took another spoonful to taste the food, and was confused as to what he said.

It tasted fine to me.

Finishing our food, we headed over to the blacksmith's shop and Naofumi had some armour now.

"I look like a bandit."

"Hey, you look pretty nice! It suits you!" Complimented the owner, and Raphtalia nodded.

Naofumi looked at me, and I gave him a thumbs up with a smile showing my approval.

He shrugged and took the armour.

"When is the next wave coming?" Naofumi asked.

"Didn't you know? There's an hourglass in the church and it shows you the amount of time before the next wave comes."

We all glanced at each other and Naofumi and Raphtalia nodded at each other and seemed to know what they were going to do next.

I was the only confused one.

"Hey.. What is the wave?"

All three of them stared at me, shocked at how clueless I was.

"To state it simply, it's when monsters spawn from the sky and the world is in danger."

Guns and Shield (The Rising of the Shield Hero Fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant