Love is Complicated (Guri x Male Reader)

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My dude Volteg77 and I have a common waifu that barely anyone talks about: Guri from Love Tyrant. So, for our girl to get a little more attention, we're both making a one-shot for her (Well, when Volt gets back that is)!

Plus, since I haven't seen the anime in a while, I'll make this a High School AU so, I don't have to worry about staying true to the story. That means no angels, demons, or superpowers! You wanna see all that, I highly recommend the anime.

Disclaimer: I don't own Love Tyrant!





You were awoken from your slumber by one thing that you hate: THE FUCKING ALARM CLOCK! You slammed your fist on the snooze button and went back to sleep to avoid getting up. However, that didn't seem to fly as your mother walked into the room waved a pancake over your face. You were able to smell the breakfast item was and instantly shot up from your bed. You went to grab the pancake, but your mom got it away from you. You look at your mom with a pout while she gave you a smile.

Mom: Morning (Y/N). I take it you want this?

You rubbed the sleepiness out of your eyes as you nodded.

Mom: Get ready for school, then you can have some.

You gave your mom a deadpan look before sighing in defeat.

You: Fine...

Your mom smiled at her victory and went back to the kitchen to get more pancakes ready.

TIMESKIP brought to you by Chibi (Y/N) scarfing down pancakes

After you had gotten ready and ate some pancakes, it was off to school. Since the school wasn't really too far, it was pretty easy for you to just walk there. On the way, you heard someone calling after you.

???: (Y/N)!

You look behind you to see your friend, Yuzu. Her golden hair wrapped up in two pigtails and her emerald green eyes glaring at you from a distance. She was a typical tsundere to most, and it was no different for you except Yuzu has less trouble showing her soft side to you as the two of you were good friends. She soon caught up to you and glared at you while crossing her arms and tapping her foot.

Yuzu: Why didn't you wait for me?

You: Because you were late today. I waited for you on the corner for five minutes. You didn't come, so I took off.

Yuzu: I woke up late, shut up!

You chuckled at Yuzu's fit before patting the top of her head.

You: You're so cute when you're mad.~

Yuzu knocked your hand away before intensifying her glare.

Yuzu: S-Stop flirting with me! You know I only have eyes for Akane!

You sweatdrop when you hear that statement leave Yuzu's mouth. Although you liked Yuzu's company, you really couldn't put together why she was crushing so badly on her older half sister. Kinda gross to be honest, but you stayed away from the topic.

You: I wasn't flirting, it's called teasing Yuzu.

Yuzu: Whatever it is, quit it!

You chuckle again before turning around.

You: Fine, fine, I'll stop for now. C'mon, we better get to school.

You started walking away and Yuzu walked next to you, not wanting to be alone. The two of you were soon able to get to school and were approached by Seiji Aino, an acquaintance of yours. His spiky blue hair was swaying in the wind as his simple blue eyes locked with yours.

Seiji: Hey (L/N), Kichougasaki.

You: Oh, hey Aino, what's up?

Seiji: I was just wondering if you knew where Hiyama is.

Akane Hiyama, Yuzu's older half sister. The girl was well known around the school, unsurprisingly with her being very popular (especially around men) and the school's track star. Yuzu glared at Seiji when he asked you two for her older sister's whereabouts.

Yuzu: Why should we tell you where she is?!

Seiji: I wanna talk to her.

Yuzu: She doesn't have time for someone like you!

You grabbed Yuzu's shoulder in an attempt to calm her down. She glared at you, and you gave her a stern look in return, making her back down. You looked at Seiji with a sympathetic smile.

You: Sorry Aino, we have no idea where she is.

Seiji sighed before nodding to you.

Seiji: Alright, thanks anyways.

Seiji walked off to go find Akane as Yuzu gave a slight growl.

You: Yuzu, calm down.

Yuzu: How can I be calm when everyone insists on going after my sister?!

You: I'm sure Akane can take care of herself. She tells off a lot of guys, right?

Yuzu: Well...yeah.

You: Then what are you worried about?

Yuzu: Her getting taken away from me!

You: You two are family, I doubt that she's drop all contact with you if she got a boyfriend.

Yuzu grumbled, but nodded, knowing you had a point.

Yuzu: I guess...

You: C'mon, let's get to class.

Yuzu nodded and the two of you walked to your homeroom class. The classroom was half full with either nerds were studying their materials or emos that wanted a little extra sleep. The rest of the class was probably out and about around the school, talking to friends or something like that. You and Yuzu sat down in your seats and started doing your thing. As Yuzu was studying a little, you had pulled out your 3DS and started playing Super Smash Each Other In The Ass Brothers (if any of you get this reference, I will give you a hi-five). Yuzu saw this and rolled her eyes.

Yuzu: Don't you ever get tired of that-

You: Never.

Yuzu: ...You're immature.

You: And...?

Yuzu: ...Baka.

You: Hehe.

It wasn't long before the three minute bell rang and other students came into the class, including Akane. As soon as Yuzu and the men (except you due to you playing your game) saw her, they all started to stare. She ignored them all and sat in her seat, which just so happened to be behind you. She smiled seeing you play your game and poked the top of your head. You look back at her and smiled after pausing your game.

You: Hey Hiyama, what's up?

Akane: (Y/N), I told you before, you can call me Akane. We're friends right?

You smiled and nodded.

You: Yeah, we are. How are you Akane? Yuzu and I didn't see you this morning.

Akane: Oh, I was told to show a new student around the school.

Yuzu had finally gotten over her blush and chimed in on the conversation.

Yuzu: A new student?

Akane nodded.

Akane: She's very sweet and energetic.

You: So it's a girl?

Akane: Yep.

Before your conversation could continue, the homeroom bell rang. Your teacher stood up in front of the class and started to speak.

Teacher: Alright everyone, we have a new student joining us today. Come in please!

The door opened and a girl walked in with a smile plastered on her face. She had a somewhat pale complexion, short black hair with a few strands standing up to make an ahoge, purple eyes, and pointy ears. She was wearing a white and black shirt exposing her stomach and part of her chest, a pair of black shorts, black fingerless gloves, black boots, and a purple hooded cape. In your eyes, the pure definition of cute.

Teacher: Introduce yourself pl-

Guri: Hi, my name's Guri! I'm a cosplayer, love sweets, video games, anime, manga-

Teacher: Ms. Tenshi, calm youself!

Guri: Oh. Sorry, just a little excited.

You were a little stunned. Not only did this girl look cute, she also sounded super sweet. Not to mention, sweets, video games, anime, and manga were some of your favorite things. Did this girl come from heaven?

Teacher: Anyways, your seat will be next to Mr. (L/N). Please raise your-

Before the teacher could finish, your hand shot up into the air. Akane and Yuzu both saw this and giggled at your actions. You ignored them as Guri walked to her seat, right next to you. She smiled at you and you smiled in return before offering a handshake.

You: Hi, (Y/N) (L/N).

Guri shook your hand enthusiastically.

Guri: Hi (L/N), I'm Guri Tenshi!

You couldn't help but smile at Guri's energy. It was refreshing to see someone like her in your boring, bland school. The two of you then stopped shaking hands and started talking to each other.

You: Anime and manga huh?

Guri: Yep! Love it!

You: What's your favorite?

Guri: Hm, that's a tough one buuuuuut, I'll go with (Favorite Anime).

You: Seriously?! That's my favorite too!

Guri: Really?!

You: Yeah!

Teacher: Mr. (L/N), Ms. Tenshi!

You and Guri turned to the teacher to see an annoyed look on her face. Both you and Guri apologized for interrupting class and promised each other to talk later.

TIMESKIP brought to you by Chibi (Y/N) and Chibi Guri talking about Pokémon

Lunchtime soon came around, which was the perfect opportunity for you and Guri to really get to know each other. The two of you, along with Akane and Yuzu, sat down at a table and started talking about a multitude of topics, including cosplay, different anime and manga, shippings between different characters, and your favorite video games. Soon, Seiji came over and sat with you all.

Seiji: Hey Hiyama.

Akane: Oh, Aino, what a nice surprise.

You: Oh, hey Aino.

Seiji: Hey (L/N).

After greeting Seiji, you turned your attention back to Guri, who was no longer looking at you. You saw that she was looking in Seiji's direction and blushing. You instantly put two and two together and saw that Guri just got herself a crush. You smiled at this and got Seiji's attention again.

You: Hey Aino.

Seiji turned to you, a little annoyed that you interrupted his conversation with Akane.

Seiji: Yeah?

You: Forgot to introduce you. This is Guri Tenshi. Tenshi, this is Seiji Aino.

Guri: H-Hi.

Seiji smiled at Guri and offered his hand to her.

Seiji: Nice to meet you Tenshi.

Guri took Seiji's hand and shook it shyly.

Seiji: You new here?

Guri shyly nodded, confirming Seiji's suspicion.

Seiji: Cool, hope we can be friends.

Guri nodded again with a shy smile on her face. Seiji then turned back to Akane and started talking again. Guri reached into her bag and pulled out a journal. It looked like the book from Death Note, but there was a sticky note over the Death which read, "Kiss". You looked at Guri with confusion.

You: Hey Tenshi, what is that?

Guri: It's what I call a Kiss Note. I write down the shippings I want to come true in here.

You: Hm, neat. Mind if I see it?

Guri: Uh, I'd rather keep it private.

You: Oh, alright.

Guri pulled out a pencil and wrote something down in the journal. She then put it back into her bag as the bell rang.

You: Well, lunch is over. Hey Guri, what's your next class?

Guri: Oh, Creative Writing.

You: Room 74?

Guri: Yeah actually!

You: That's my next class. C'mon, we can go together.

Guri nodded and the two of you ran off, leaving Seiji, Akane, and Yuzu behind.

Yuzu: They left us!

TIMESKIP brought to you by Chibi Guri writing down shippings in the Kiss Note

It's been a few months since Guri joined your school, and you two have gotten very close. The two of you always talked about different anime and manga, played video games together, and even have been over to the other's house and met the other's parents. Guri only lived her dad, Comy, who hugged you the first time you both met. Your mom really liked Guri and at first thought you two were dating, but even after clearing the confusion, she continued to ship you both.

You also had grown more attracted to Guri as well. You had developed feelings for her and even Comy took notice of it. However, instead of giving you the whole "stay away from my daughter" lecture, he actually approved of the shipping between you two. However, there was only one problem with this shipping. Seiji.

Guri had developed feelings for Seiji and she always would tell you about it. She'd bring it up when you guys were eating - making you lose your appetite-, during video games - which would throw you off your game-, and even when the two of you were watching anime - making you wanna change the channel. It was really starting to get on your nerves and it didn't help with the fact that Seiji had an obvious crush on Akane, which Guri didn't even know about! You dared not to tell her either since if you did, Guri could think that you were lying to her and that would ruin your relationship with her so, you held your tongue.

Right now, you were waiting for Guri in homeroom while playing Pokémon Let's Go Aipom on your Nintendo Switch. You noticed how Guri hasn't been answering your calls or texts recently so, you were a little worried about her. Guri soon walked into class, but something was different about her. It looked like she had dyed her hair white and wearing a tight black dress and stockings. She sat in her seat and flopped her head onto the table.

You: Uh Guri? You okay?

Guri looked up at you, giving you a close look at her eyes. They were once full of life, but now they looked dead inside. You had you concerned, but before you could ask, the homeroom bell had rang.

As soon as homeroom ended, you caught up to Guri to talk to her.

You: Hey Guri, what's up?

Guri didn't answer you as she kept walking.

You: Uh, I like your new look. What inspired you?

Still no answer came from your friend.

You: Sooooo, you wanna do something after school? Maybe a video game? I just got-

Guri: Leave me alone.

You raised an eyebrow at Guri's response. She always liked hanging out with you, why would she tell you to back off?

You: Uh Guri, you okay?

Guri: I'm fine, I just want to be left alone.

You started to noticed the tone she was using. She was usually so upbeat and happy, but now she sounded depressed and lifeless. You didn't know what was going on, but you knew you had to cheer her up.

You: You don't sound alright. C'mon, we can skip class and go to the arcade if you want.

Guri: What part of "leave me alone" don't you understand?

You: Okay, what happened? You're clearly upset, what's-

Guri: Would you just buzz off?

You: No, not until I know what you're feeling.

Guri turned to you with anger in her eyes.

Guri: What I'm feeling? You would never understand how I feel! You have no idea how it feels to be tossed to the side and hear the one you love reject you over some other girl! My heart is shattered!

You stood back in shock. Guri had never yelled at you before throughout the six months you've known each other so, you knew something was definitely wrong. You're guess was that Seiji had rejected her for Akane. You get that she was heartbroken, but to take it out you and accuse you of not knowing how she felt, despite all you've put up with, that just made you snap.

You: ...You think I don't know? You don't know anything at all Guri! Your heart shattered, while mine exploded! You wanna know what's worse than being rejected by the one you love?! Listening to them constantly talk about the one that they do love! Don't dare say that I have no idea how it feels, because I've been through ten times the amount of shit that you have!

Guri backed away from you as fear became visible on her face. Like how Guri's never yelled at you, you never yelled at her either. Tears started to fill both of your eyes and Guri's as you started to walk away. You didn't want to be anymore upset than you already were. On your way, you saw Seiji talking to Akane again. He saw you and smiled, but you only glared at him. He flinched at this as you walked off campus and went home, regardless of the school day not being over.

TIMESKIP brought to you by Chibi Seiji being chased by a Chibi Yuzu screaming at him

Yuzu was heading to her next class, pondering on a few things she's noticed today. You and Guri were nowhere to be seen since homeroom and it was heard around the school that you had yelled. Yuzu didn't really believe the rumor since you didn't yell very often, but it did concern her about you.

As she past the bathroom, she heard a whimper coming from it, as if someone was crying. Normally, Yuzu would've ignored it, but this voice sounded very familiar. She turned towards the bathroom and cautiously walked inside before looking around the place. She heard the crying coming from one of the stalls and knocked on it.

Yuzu: Hello?

???: G-Go away Kichougasaki.

Yuzu recognized the voice, even through all of the tears and blubbering.

Yuzu: Guri? Is that you?

Guri: Kichougasaki, please...just leave me alone...

Yuzu huffed before crawling under the stall and coming face to face with your crush. The girl had her face buried in her knees while hugging her legs. Yuzu felt a wave of sympathy wash over her as she petted the girl's hair.

Guri: Just go...

Yuzu: ...No Guri. I can't. Not when you're like this.

Guri looked up at Yuzu, the white in the girl's eyes now a pinkish-red with tear trails going down her face. Yuzu wiped a few of the tears away from Guri's face before speaking.

Yuzu: What happened?

Guri looked away from Yuzu, but the blond girl grabbed Guri's chin and forced the girl to look at her.

Yuzu: Guri, tell me.

Guri: ...I yelled at (Y/N)...and he yelled back...

Yuzu was a little shocked at this statement. You and Guri never fought this badly before. Sure, there was the occasional disagreement on a certain shipping or game, but you two never yelled at each other.

Yuzu: What? Why?

Tears started to flow from Guri's eyes again as she planted her face into her knees again.

Guri: Seiji rejected me because he liked Akane...

Yuzu was a little annoyed by this, seeing as Seiji's heart was only set on Akane, but she kept her temper to the side to comfort Guri for the time being.

Yuzu: You two fought over that?

Guri looked back up at Yuzu with tears still coming out of her eyes. She then shook her head to say that Yuzu's statement was wrong.

Yuzu: Then why?

Guri wiped a few tears from her eyes before speaking.

Guri: I told him...or yelled at him, that he didn't knew how I felt...but he yelled back saying how he's been through worse...

This peaked Yuzu's interest a bit.

Yuzu: Oh? Worse?

Guri nodded.

Guri: Yeah, he said that he had to listen to his crush constantly talk about someone else. He hated it and...I kinda feel bad for him...

Yuzu quickly put two and two together and had the whole story.

Yuzu: You know who that person is Guri?

Guri shook her head.

Yuzu: Guri, I'm pretty sure he was talking about you.

Guri's eyes widened in shock when she heard this.

Guri: M-Me? No way. (Y/N) said he had to listen to this person talk about...their crush...a lot...

Guri slowly put the pieces of the puzzle together and realized that Yuzu was right. It was all starting to make sense. Why you acted differently when she talked about Seiji, why you made the most time you could to spend time with her, why you had stuck with her for this long! YOU LIKED HER! And she put you through all of that pain and was to oblivious to realize it. It made her feel even worse, but before she could cry, Yuzu hugged her.

Yuzu: Guri... Don't tell him I said this, but (Y/N) loves you so much. He loved being around you and always wanted to be with you, even though he couldn't. He's probably at home right now, trying to calm himself down so he can face you again and apologize, I know it. He loves you too much to be angry at you forever. So, you have two options. Either wait until tomorrow so you can apologize...or go right now and try to reason with him.

Guri thought about these two options for a moment. Sure, there was always tomorrow, but why should she have to wait? If she could fix it now, then why not do it now. She wiped the tears from her eyes before standing up. She hugged Yuzu and unlocked the stall before starting to run to the exit.

Yuzu: Guri!

Guri turned back to Yuzu to hear what the girl had to say.

Yuzu: Good luck!

Guri actually smiled for the first time that day and ran out the door, leaving Yuzu alone in the bathroom.

Yuzu: Take care of him...

TIMESKIP brought to you by out of character moments

You were laying on your bed, your head under the covers to avoid the world. You felt really bad for yelling at the girl you fell in love with, but you also were mad at her for being a little insensitive. However, even if you two were in a fight, you still loved her. You didn't want your friendship with her to end just because of one stupid fight. However, you were no where close to being emotionally ready to-


Someone your window? But no one came up your window except- Oh no. You looked at the window, and sure enough, Guri was the one knocking on it. She looked to be back in her usual attire, but still had white hair, which was understandable seeing that you couldn't get hair dye out for a while. You put your head back under the covers to ignore her, but she kept knocking at the window.


This girl was relentless! Out of annoyance, you walked over to the window and opened it.

You: Guri, what could you possibly want right-

Guri jumped in through your window and tackled you into a hug. She held on tightly as she started to cry.

Guri: I'm sorry...

You were shocked by Guri's actions. You knew she could be crazy at times, but you had no idea she'd do something like this. It actually brought a small smile to your face, seeing her being herself again. You hugged her back and tears soon fell from your eyes as well. Even though she had yelled at you for a stupid reason, you still loved her. Neither of you could be mad at the other forever.

You: I'm sorry too...

Guri hugged you even tighter when you said that, relieved that you didn't hate her. The two of you laid on your floor, crying in each other's embrace for about an hour before you both calmed down. You and Guri let go of each other and got off the ground. You both looked at each other before sharing another embrace for a few minutes.

You: ...You wanna watch some anime?

Guri: Yeah...

The two of you went downstairs, grabbed some snacks and drinks, and went in front of the TV before turning it on and searching through your anime library. After a minute of searching, you both agreed on (Random Anime) and each opened a bag of chips. In the middle of the show, Guri looked at you with romantic curiosity.

Guri: {(Y/N)... He's always been there for me. Through all my talking about Seiji, through every rough patch in this new school, played every video game he could with me, watched anime and read manga with me, and a lot of other stuff.}

Guri's heart sped up as a blush appeared on her face.

Guri: {Do I... Do I like him? I mean, I know he likes me, I like him? Maybe...}

Guri leaned her head on your shoulder, which you felt. You blushed a little, but smiled at her and pulled her closer to you, getting the girl's blush deeper as well as yours.

Guri: {I think I do like him! I'm enjoying this! I want to be closer to him! ...Screw it!}

Guri cupped your cheeks and kissed you on the lips with a deep red blush on her face. You blushed even deeper than her and kissed back while placing a hand on the back of her head. Guri then moved to your lap while wrapping her arms around your neck while yours went around her waist. The two of you stayed like this for thirty seconds before parting. You looked into each other's eyes and smiled.

You: Guri... I love you.

Guri: ...I love you too (Y/N).

The two of you shared another kiss as the anime on screen finally ended.


Your mom came home in a 'not so good' mood as she was told that you skipped a few classes today. She stormed into the house and was about ready to yell at you when she saw you and Guri asleep on the couch. The two of you were cuddling each other closely with smiles on both of your faces. Your mother sighed and gained a small smile. She grabbed her phone from her pocket and called Comy.

Comy: (M/N), nice to hear from you.

Mom: Hey Comy. Just a heads up, I wouldn't expect Guri to come home until tomorrow.

Comy: And why is that?

Your mom took a quick picture of you and Guri on the couch and sent it to Comy. She then heard his squeals on the other end of the line.

Comy: Finally! I thought your boy would never do it!

Mom: Ten bucks says Guri made the first move.

Comy: You're on!

Comy was gonna lose some money tomorrow...


Not a lot of Love Tyrant fics out there, so it was fun to write for this little waifu of mine. Whaddya think of the story guys! Let me know, I'd love a second opinion so I can improve! 


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