Letter 3

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Dear Winter,

I constantly dream of what it would be like to be with you right now. Whether it be making snow angels in your brilliant powder or skating on your water as though I am some sort of deity, I can't get enough of you. In fact, the heat makes me feel like I am someone else. I often feel as though my brain is foggy and I can't think because my attention is focused on cooling down. Yes, I do love summer swims and being able to wear pretty sun dresses, but I would choose you in a heartbeat, no questions asked. There is something about you that chills me to the bone. You are dangerous but you bring clarity. You may scare some people but you don't scare me. You're the only thing that's ever made me feel alive, you're the only thing that's ever made me feel productive, and you're the only thing that forces me to come face to face with my demons. So, I guess I can see why some people dislike you or wish you weren't quite so harsh because most people hate to face reality. Being with you forces all of your senses to be present at once. The thing about mental illness is no one ever tells you how exhilarating you can be for those like me. And I know it may be weird to be getting a letter from a young girl in a hospital bed that hasn't been able to experience you for the last few years, but I just wanted to say that I missed you. I hope to see you again soon and I'm dreaming of you always.


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