Letter 2

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Dear Anna,

I am sorry that I haven't reached out to you in a while. I can't even make excuses about being busy because honestly I haven't been up to much at all. I think about you everyday. I replay moments with you in my mind. Like that one night when Xavier left early to go home and you stayed all night with me to comfort me after our breakup. Or when you used to bring extra cookies in your lunch to share with me just as though we were little kids again. Your friendship meant so much to me and to know that I was the one that ruined it makes me sick. I have been grieving the loss of my dad so much, that I pushed you away in the process. It was so wrong of me to do that and I hope that you can forgive me one day. But for now, I realize that there is a distance between us that won't just change over night. I don't expect you to come sleepover at my house and tell me stories like you used to, but hopefully, you can give me another chance to show you that I care. I wouldn't be writing you if I didn't and I know that you know better than all people that I'm stubborn. I never want to admit I'm wrong, but I'm starting to see that being wrong about something isn't necessarily a bad thing, in fact it can be a sign of maturity and growth. So, I wish you well and understand if my request is too high, but know I am here for you. I know you may fear that I will disappear from your life again, but I will work with you to prove I won't. I miss you Anna. I miss how I could tell you anything about myself and I miss your inappropriate sense of humor. I miss having you by my side through the thick and thin. And I hope you miss me too.

Your friend,

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