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sorry i listened to the disney princess soundtrack on spotify and i can't stop singing this


luke's pov

sitting in the library before school never seemed so boring. odds are i probably just missed michael. i was currently in a corner, surrounded by bookshelves. my nose was buried in a book, which is why i didn't see the person in front of me. they reached up and pushed the book down a bit. "do i not get a warm, welcoming hug?" my breath hitched and my heart sped up.

i snapped the book shut, wrapping my arms around michael. he laughed and his arms went around my waist. "i missed you so much," my voice was muffled due to my face being nuzzled into his neck.

"i missed you too. i got like really sick and it was awful." michael pulled away. his hands on my back, and i was still holding the book. it felt nice to be looking at him after a whole week without him.

without thinking, i brought my lips to his, dropping the book. i felt more confident with kissing him now. i didn't feel so innocent. he was surprised at first but soon his body shifted and had me pressed up against the bookshelf.

"boys! lucas hemmings!" i immediately pushed michael off, my cheeks going a deep shade of red. the librarian, anne, stood with a smirk on her face.

"oh my god, i'm sorry anne," i covered my face with my hands as michael pulled me to him, laughing.

"don't apologise boys. my daughter gets caught with her girlfriend too many times during gym class. i saw nothing," she said the last sentence while walking away. michael pressed a little kiss under my ear, humming slightly.

"it's almost 7:50. the bell is gonna ring any second. that means i won't see you till lunch," he pouted. i kissed his lips and slid my hands down his sides until i found his hands. i entwined our fingers, smiling.

"you can wait," i said.

- lunch -

my tray held a pile of spaghetti and some bread. the food here literally sucks. michael was stuffing his face while i read over my notes that we had taken in science. "this equation for finding the electric current really isn't as hard as i thought. here, look," i poked michael in the side.

"luke, it's science class. why the fuck would i look at an equation if it's for science class?" he asked. i rolled my eyes at him. when he leaned over and tried to kiss me, i leaned farther away.

"you have spaghetti sauce on your face you idiot," i got back to reading my notes. he wiped his mouth and leaned over, pressing little kisses to my neck and tickling me.

a group of guys walked past, mumbling the usual comments.




michael held his anger in but one person didn't. a young girl sitting with a group of her friends. she stood up, while another girl tried to get her to sit.

"do you think it's funny when you call people names like that? what makes you think it's even okay to say rude things like that?" her voice was much more louder than i expected. she walked until she was standing right in front of the group of guys.

"it's the truth. don't you think fags like them deserve to be told the truth?" one of the guys said.

"well, since we are speaking the truth here, go ahead and call me lesbian because i have a girlfriend!" the girl yelled. it was pretty amazing seeing her stand up for us.

"heather please sit down," a girl said.

"no tori, i won't sit down. not until these pricks say sorry to those boys for saying such horrible things," heather said. the group of guys laughed and just walked away. "fucking assholes!" heather yelled as they walked off. the entire lunch room was silent for a second. then, people started clapping.

heather walked over to us and sat at our table, along with the girl i assumed was tori.

"that was amazing," i said. heather blushed, and tori kissed her cheek. oh.

"you guys don't deserve to be called names. you should be allowed to love who you love without having someone tell you call you a fag or lesbian," tori spoke up. "my dads brought me up saying that whoever i love will be okay with them. whether it be a boy or girl. they never told me that loving a girl was bad. in the end we are all humans made of the same bones and we all bleed the same thing."

i felt michael grab my hand under the table and when i looked up, he was smiling.


there's only 8 chapters of this story left im :-((((

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