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luke's pov


i did it.

i actually did it.

at first michael sort of froze. i mean, we were in the middle of school. but slowly, he leaned forward, his lips pressing to mine. i was a bit awkward, since i had done it out of impulse and it was also my first kiss.

i pulled away, my heart thumping against my chest. michael didn't speak. neither did i. over ten minutes of class had gone by. "was that- why did- luke," michael said.

"i'm sorry, i'm so sorry," i mumbled, but michael shushed me.

"don't. don't be sorry. you have no reason to be sorry. why would you be sorry? you just kissed the boy who has been to stuck up to do it himself."

even before the words left his mouth, i knew.

he felt it too.

he felt the same.

i wiped my eyes, embarrassed to be crying. michael pulled his phone out of his pocket. "let's skip class. you've missed almost half the period anyway," he smirked at my shocked expression. "it's not like i'm going to murder you luke." so, we walked out of school, straight to his car, ( which he told me his dad let him use ) and michael suddenly laughed.

"why are you laughing?" i asked, climbing into the passenger seat. michael put the key into the ignition and pulled out of the school parking lot.

"because, i'm skipping class with luke hemmings."

i blushed and turned to look out the window. trees and stores and fast food restaurants past by. my body tensed as i felt a hand grip mine. i relaxed, seeing my hand entwined with michael's. this is how i pictured it. us. it seems so fake though. how is it even real?

"where are we even going?" i questioned the beautiful person next to me. he just smiled. and smiled.

and stopped the car. in the middle of an old dirt road. he pulled something from under his seat. gummy worms.

i watched him open the package, popping one into his mouth. "we, my lovely friend, are going to tell each other about how we knew. how we knew we liked each other. because, if i'm being honest, i don't see how you can like me." my hand reached for a gummy worm, but michael held the bag to his chest. i pouted, crossing my arms over my chest.

"give me a gummy worm or i will blast you all the way to the Milky Way," i said.

"don't go all Galaxy nerd on me now," he chuckled, handing me a green gummy worm. before i could put it in my mouth, michael leaned over the console and pressed his lips to mine in a gentle kiss. my hands didn't know where to go, so i just grabbed at his hair, making him hum in pleasure. it was odd, knowing i made him do that. he pulled back, his breathing coming out in irregular intervals. "you seem so scared to do anything. wait, was that your first kiss?"

"no. back at the school, that was my first kiss," i felt my cheeks heat up from embarrassment. "you seem so experienced and i'm just confused. like, what do i do with my hands or my tongue or-"

"hey, calm down. i am sort of experienced, but that doesn't matter. it's okay if you're confused. makes it better for me because you're so innocent," his smirk was taking up his whole face as he leaned back to ghost his lips over mine.

"am not," i argued as he pulled another gummy worm out.

"so innocent. now, i think we have two stories to tell," he raised an eyebrow.

"alright. how i knew i liked you," i began, and i was pretty sure it was going to take a while.


*le cries bc i was gonna have them make out in the backseat bc I am Muke af, but this is already going a bit too fast and I just*

*cringes bc this sucked*

also, would you guys be okay if I put Cashton in here? as like a cute little side couple? plz pls PLEASE tell me because I'm sorta eh on putting them in and the only thing stopping me is you guys and what you want. yes I know this is muke, which is why they would be mentioned very rarely, maybe they could be kids at the school IDEK, so yes, help me with that if you want. (( if I do put them in I may make a sequel to this book once I'm done but it would be Cashton themed but still with muke??? ))


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