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- one year later -

luke and michael had long since stopped talking to each other. michael was a sensation in america. the girls loved him. his album reached number one. he was living his life with all the things he wanted. luke on the other hand, was the opposite. without michael, for some reason, people began to pick on him. he wasn't as confident. he was back to staying in his room.

he had decided to take apart his telescope and put it in the very back of his closet.

he stopped caring about himself.

he got a lip piercing. he wore too much black. he drank. skipping school became a thing. his mom was worried, but she prayed that he would change; that he'd go back to the luke he was a year ago. but in her mind, she knew that without michael, he wouldn't.

michael had forgotten the boy he'd left in australia. he was now one of the biggest artists in america, and he had no time for trying to dwell on his past. although, sometimes he vaguely recalled having dinner with this one kid.

the fire that had once burned between them had turned into ash.

well, mr. clifford and mrs. hemmings had a plan. they were going to get them back together, if it meant shipping luke in a crate on a boat. so, one bright morning, with a sleepy luke on the couch, they told him.

"we got you a plane ticket to america. to see michael."

luke didn't react at first. he was stunned to say the least. then his head processed the words he had just heard.

over in america, michael couldn't sleep. he was sitting on his bed, hands shaking. he was holding a letter. a letter he had wrote a year ago. it was crumbled and he didn't know the person it was meant for. luke? who was that?

luke was hugging his mom and mr. clifford, thanking them over and over. he couldn't believe that he was going to see him again.

michael read the letter over and over. and then he read it again. and again.

dear luke,

im writing you this from the top of the world. ok im actually on the plane. you know. the plane to america. but to me, it feels so much like the top of the world. you can see over the clouds, and everything is so small. you'd like it up here. i wish you could see this luke. it's beautiful. and you know i dont use that word often. well, i never used it. until you.

he was on the plane. luke was on a plane. he had headphones in, trying to get it through his head that he was actually going to see michael again.

he fell asleep looking at the stars and woke up to someone saying,

"all passengers please exit the plane orderly. we have arrived in los angeles."

the end


(( crying babies are heard ))

(( women are screaming ))

(( massive explosions ))

(( buildings falling in the background ))

thats it. that is the end of starry eyed. the sequel should be up soon after i post my last authors note, so please dont take this out of your library. i wont mark it as "completed" until after my authors note is posted.

i hope you guys have enjoyed this story as much as i have. this story is my first that i have actually went through with completing. in real life and on the internet. it means a lot to say i have written a story with over 4,000 reads.

i'll say more in my authors, so until then, ily all and stay perfect :-)

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