Will frowned. "You speak Italian?"

"Sono Italiano," Nico replied. "Sono state cresciuto in Italia. Certo che parlo Italiano."

Will shrugged. "Okay."

Nico's eyes were heavy. "What happened, anyways? All I did was fall down a hill."

"Oh, yeah, first you fell down a hill," Hazel confirmed. "And then an awesome little friendly Doberman also attacked you."

"That's ironic," Nico replied.

"Why?" Will asked.

"There are a lot of dogs that attack people in Italy," Nico explained, smirking.

Hazel smiled. "But you got hurt pretty bad. You were out for about five days."

"Your arm is broken," Will added. "You hit it pretty hard."

Nico glanced down at his arms, lying on top of the blanket. One of them was in a cast—the one that he couldn't really feel or move. The other was riddled with cuts. He shrugged. "Wonderful. I've had worse."

"Also, there's this." Will handed a small piece of paper to Nico.

Nico unfolded the paper and looked at the picture. It was the picture he had drawn the morning five days ago. He scowled. "Did you look at it?"

"No," Hazel replied immediately.

"Possibly," Will answered slyly.

"You're so annoying," Nico growled, hitting Will softly.

Will smiled. "Good to see you're fine. You're a good artist."

Nico looked at the picture again. It was an almost exact replica of the boy sitting on the end of Nico's bed. Will's blonde hair falling into his eyes, his hand hooked around the strap of his satchel. He had a goofy grin on his face. Nico nearly laughed.

"Not really." He handed the picture to Hazel. "That's What happens when I'm stuck in the infirmary with Will for a day and a half."

Hazel's eyes widened. "Nico, that really is awesome!"

He blushed. "It's like my singing. It's something I do when I'm alone. Bianca... Bianca always really liked my art. It was really bad art. I was only ten."

"Did Bianca like your singing, too?" Hazel asked quietly.

Nico nodded quietly. "She played piano."

Hazel nodded. "I'll...I'll go."

"Wait." Nico pushed himself up into one elbow. "What did you want to tell me?"

"Oh, Jason, Percy, Reyna, and Frank sorted out their Praetor issues," Hazel said. "Frank is a Praetor, Reyna should be the other but she's going to college now, so Frank's kind of freaking out."

"Sounds like you'll end up with a lot of boyfriend time," Nico noted. "'Hazel, come over here and play the role of unofficial Praetor!'"

Hazel laughed. "I wouldn't be surprised. That's why I love him. I'll see you soon." She kissed Nico on the cheek and slipped outside.

The following several moments were those of awkward silence. All of Will's cabin mates had left. Nico twisted his picture in his hand. Then he shifted uncomfortably and murmured, "well, can I go outside?"

Will shrugged. "Let's go."

"I'm about to get mobbed, aren't I?" Nico asked as he pushed himself up fully.

"Most likely," Will agreed.

"Let's go." Nico shrugged.

Will laughed and stepped outside.

"Hey, Death Boy's up!" Called a voice with a southern accent.

Nico sighed as Leo jumped down from the infirmary roof.

Leo winked. "You missed my most amazing prank ever."

"What did you do?" Nico asked.

"I put melted marshmallow all over the Big House roof," Leo replied. "If you're gonna come back from the dead, ya gotta come back hard!"

Nico almost smiled. "That's amazing." And he walked toward the cabins.

Will trailed after the son of Hades, who was walking briskly, his energy returned. He pushed open the door of his cabin and slipped inside, closing the door before Will could follow him. He slumped on Hazel's bottom bunk and poured a water bottle on the floor. He tossed a golden drachma into the splash and murmured, "Oh Iris, goddess of the rainbow, accept my offering. Show me Hades."

Hades was sitting on his throne. He smiled when he saw Nico.

"Nico! How are you?"

"Good," Nico replied. "I broke my arm."

"Huh." The Lord of the Dead frowned. "Why'd you call me?"

"I want to talk to you." Nico dropped his gaze.

"What is it?" Hades asked.

"Well, there's this boy..." Nico began. "I have a sorta crush on him and i'm not sure what to do."

"Is it Jackson?" Hades demanded. "Or Grace? Please tell me it's not Jackson or Grace."

"No, it's an Apollo kid." Nico shifted. "Will Solace."

"Does he have blonde hair?" Hades asked.

"Yeah. Do you know him?" Nico frowned.

"No, but he's standing right behind you."

Nico rolled over and glared at Will, who was standing in the doorway, his hands in his pockets.

"Sorry," Will laughed. "I didn't mean to walk in on you and your dad."

Nico scowled. "Seriously, man?"

Will smiled and walked forward, sitting on the end of the bunk. Nico eyed him carefully.

"I have a very bad feeling right now," Nico growled.

"Don't," Will replied. "I just want to tell you that I forgot to mention that there's capture the flag tonight. You can play if you like."

"Oh, cool." Nico rolled his eyes. "I would play even if you didn't want me to."

"I know," Will laughed.

Nico swiftly cut the connection on the Iris Message and looked into Will's blue eyes.

He opened his mouth to say something, but Will spoke first.

"I like you too, Death Boy."

Nico blushed. He pulled the paper out of his pocket, his heart beating fast. He handed it to Will. Will took the drawing and slipped it into his own pocket without breaking eye contact.

Then, suddenly, startlingly, Will leaned forward and kissed Nico on the cheek. Then he stood up and held out a hand for the younger demigod.

"Come on," He said, "Doctor's orders. We've gotta get ready for capture the flag."

Nico scowled. "You're such an idiot." But he let Will pull him up off the bed and lead him outside.

The Underworld's Sun - A Solangelo FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now