Chapter Six

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Nico blinked open his eyes. A hazy, rather familiar view greeted him. The infirmary slowly came into focus, along with several blonde-haired kids talking in the corner. At first, Nico didn't recognize their words at first, then he realized that they weren't speaking English. But this language came even easier than English. It was Italian. Nico closed his eyes again and listened.

"Sì, ieri sera mi ha detto che è troppo nervoso."

"Non sa nemmeno se il bambino si sveglierà!"

"Si ucciderà se tutto ciò non funziona."

"Ma sono passati cinque giorni? Onestamente non penso che funzionerà ... povero Will."

"Povero Will," The other kids echoed.

Nico slowly translated the conversation in his head. Even Italian came slowly to him right now. Yeah, he told me last night he's really nervous. He doesn't even know if the kid'll make it! He'll kill himself if all this doesn't work. But it's been, what, five days? I honestly don't think it'll work... Poor Will. Poor Will.

Nico's heart flared as he tried to sort out the conversation. These were probably Apollo campers, if they were talking about Will. They could speak Italian? Of course! The language of music! Will was nervous... about what? The kid... Nico! The kid they were talking about was Nico! That was frustrating. He was sixteen. But what had happened on Half-Blood Hill? He hadn't gotten hurt that bad, had he? But... Will really cared about him that much? Really?

Nico wondered if Will was in the room. Then he heard another soft voice, whispering in Italian from much closer by.

"Starà bene. Ne sono sicuro."

He's going to be fine. I'm sure of it.

That was definitely Will. Nico knew it. Nico wanted Will to know that he was okay, but he couldn't bring himself to open his eyes.

"Nico," Whispered a female voice. Nico recognized Hazel. His heart ached... she sounded worried. "Nico, I have something to tell you... please wake up..."

But wasn't Hazel supposed to be in New Rome? It had been... five days? Was that what they had said? Why was Hazel here?

Nico tried to shift his arm, then grunted in pain.

"Nico!" Hazel's voice sounded full of surprise and relief.

"Oh, gods..." Will murmured, now in English. Nico felt a hand on his forehead. Another hand laid on his arm. "He's burning up," Will whispered.

Nico wanted to move, but couldn't.

The hand on his arm shifted. "Nico?" Hazel asked. "Nico, please..."

Why are they so worried? all I did was fall down a hill...

Nico thought that all that had happened was falling down a hill... but then Why did he feel so bad?

Nico slowly blinked open his eyes. The hazy infirmary came back into view. Nico shifted his head and met Hazel's anxious eyes.

"Nico!" Hazel exclaimed. She laid down next to Nico on the bed and hugged him tight.

Nico winced. "Hazel, my arm..." his voice was shallow and croaky.

"Sorry!" Hazel sat up.

Nico glanced at Will and smiled just a little. "You did it."

"Did what?" Will dug through a satchel he was wearing.

"You were worried," Nico replied matter-of-fact-ly. "And you did it."

The Underworld's Sun - A Solangelo FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now