Chapter 27: Death to the Wicked Witch

Começar do início

C: When did Doc rebuild her? Wait! She's the winter maiden?

Ironwood: Yes.

C: Seal this in the Vault then.

I put the lamp on his desk and he nods.

Ironwood: Penny. We have a job to do.

He leads us to the vault where Penny opens it and places the lamp inside before sealing it closed.

Ironwood: Now what are you going to do.

C: I'm going to kill Salem.

Everyone: WHAT?!

C: Yep. I'm taking the fight straight to her.

Ironwood: I don't suppose I can dissuade you, can I?

C: Nope.

Ironwood: At least wait till morning before heading out. We have room for all of you here.

C: I-

I look over at our group and see how tired everyone is.

C: I think that's for the best.

We are lead to some rooms for us to stay in and when everyone heads to their's I hear a knock at my door. I open it up and see Yang. I pull her into the room where she wraps her arms around me. I do the same as I close the door behind her. She pushes me against the wall and looks up at me. I push some hair out of her face and see worry all over her face.

C: Your scared.

Yang: I'm...yeah. I'm scared. What if we can't do this?

C: You heard Jinn. We can do this.

Yang: I know, but what if she was wrong? What if you die? Or what if-

I cut her off with a kiss. She seems apprehensive at first, but she melts into it. She puts her hands on my chest and pushes me back.

Yang: I'm serious. I...Sigh

C: I know. Trust me Yang. I won't let any of us die.

Yang: I know you won't, but there is something else bothering me.

C: What is it?

Yang: You're going to leave when you kill Salem aren't you?

C: I...I have a family waiting for me back home Yang. I'm sorry.

Yang: I-I knew what this was when I asked you out back at Beacon... I'm going to bed.

I see tears in her eyes as she backs up from me.

C: Yang.

I reach out for her, but she leaves the room without ever looking back. I sigh and lay down in bed.

C: I'm sorry.

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi sadness

The next morning we all board a bullhead. It's all of us and I do mean all. The only one who stayed behind was Ironwood and Maria, but Penny came with us. We all headed to what could only be described as a black wasteland. The sky was red and there was nothing but dirt, black pools that the Grimm crawl out of, and a huge gothic castle. As we approach I sense something.

C: There is a maiden under her castle.

Oscar: What?

C: I'll be right back.

Ruby: What if it's a trap?

C: What if it isn't? I have to know.

I teleport to what I assume is the dungeon and I find something I wasn't expecting.

Straight to the Punch (Yang Xiao Long X OP OC) Multiverse Tales Book 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora