Chapter 42- Thanksgiving

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Today was THANKSGIVING. Now this is my first thanksgiving in 4 years, so I am exstatic. I got up at 10:00, had some cereal for breakfast. After breakfast I started getting ready to go to Grams and Gramps house, where everyone is going to be today. I decided on one of the overall skirts Marisol said I had. I only had 2 anyway.

After I got changed, I needed to do my hair. I curled it, and pinned one side down. It looked nice, and I was content on my look. I also had to get an overnight bag ready.

We got to Grams at 12, so we could help out in the kitchen. Around 1 Tia Carly, Tio Ryan, Ethan, Miles, ans Stella all came. Uncle Scott and Tia Shana got her little after.

I helped make mac & cheese, and mashed potatoes. "So how is school going. I know it's your first year of highschool." I nodded. "Everything is going great so far, got all the classes I wanted, and electives." My grams nodded. "What about the boy situation?" Carly chimed in. I chuckled. And Chris perked his head up to listen in to this part.

"Well she has a friend named Mike, and they text eachother all the time." Scott said from across the room playing with Stella and Ethan. Chris was holding in laughing, and so was I. "Oooo so there is a boy in your life." I chuckled. "Yeah no. Mike is amazing has a bestfriend, plus him and his boyfriend started dated about 2 weeks ago, and I think they are really cute together."

Scott turned freaking red meanwhile laughing. Shanna was laughing at her sister, meanwhile Chris was holding his boob. My gramps was chuckling, and so was grams. "Well that took an interesting turn." Carly said. 

"Okay so no actual boy?" Scott asked. I facepalmed. Outta all people Scott is the one that would know if there isn't or if there is. "Nope, and I'm gonna keep it that way for a while." Chris side hugged me. "By a while you mean till your 30 right?" I kissed his cheek. "Until I'm ready, so maybe."

He let go of me, and we all went back to our indivual jobs. "So Hope why do ypu know how to cook so well?" Shanna asked. I deciding to be sarcastic. "Right. Mac and Cheese is so hard to prepare. So it mashed potatoes." She laughed.

"No seriously, you do know how to cook alot more than an average 13 year old." Chris chimed in. "14." I rolled my eyes at dad. "Okay. An average 14 year old." I chuckled.

"My mom taught me basics." She nodded, them looked questionably. "Yeah but you know alot more than basics." I sighed in frustration. Quietly of course. "Just had to learn. So I learned, and here we are." I said. She seemed okay with that, and left it alone.

It was quite fun. We set up the table, and put the foods all around the table. I sat in between Uncle Scott and Chris. Before eating we went around the table saying what we were grateful for. It got to Chris.

"I am very grateful for being with my family here today, for being apart of this family. For of course this food today. I am also grateful for my daughter. She has taught me alot, that I never knew. I am happy she came into my life. I am very glad she got the wrong number."

It was my turn, and I was so close to crying because of what Chris said. It meant alot to me. Everyone was expecting me to go next.

"I am grateful for all of you, for my 2 friends. I am grateful for this food today, and for today to be a happy day. I am also very grateful that Chris got to me on time, and that I had gotten the wrong number. Very grateful he found out, and came to abduct me. I am very grateful for being apart of this loving family. I am basically very grateful for everything that had happened since May 15th." Chris gave me a tight hug from his chair.

After everyone went, and Scott joking about being superior. Everyone started eating. At the end both my aunts started questioning about the wrong number. "Dad you tell them or I tell them?" He paused. "You. If you want." I nodded.

"Okay so in late April I was trying to text my then friend, because she got a new phone, but gave me the wrong number. So I texted Chris without knowing. So then I texted him for like 3 weeks, and the like he abducted me for good causes." Chris shrugged, and nodded.

"What were the good causes Uncle Chris?" That was Stella. She is so fucking adorable, I can't get over it. Chris looked at me, and I just shrugged. Not like he can say something like that to a little kid. "Umm... You see there was a bad person, so I helped." He said meanwhile talking really slow, trying to firgure out what to say.

"That's cool! Why were they the bad guy?" That was Miles. Ethan being the oldest didn't ask questions, seeing how we were trying to make this very pg for the kitties. "They did bad things." Chris said. You could tell Carly and Shanna wanted to know.

"Who's ready for Dessert!" Grams yelled to change the topic. We all groaned, everyone was full. "I'll take that has a later." Everyone continued talking. My Grams was talking to me about suprise suprise school. "So how are your grades? Also what are your classes?"

"1st period AP Chem, 2nd period Ap English, 3rd period AP Calculus, 4th period Videoagraphy 5th period, History 1 6th period, Beginner Choir, and then 7th period PE." She nodded intrested. "Those are alot go advance classes, you doing well in them?"

I nodded. "Yup. All A+'s plus some extra credit. So I'm doing good." Grandma had her mouth open a little. "Wow. Do you know what your IQ is?" I thought about it. "Not even in the slightest." After about 10 minutes peoples were getting dessert.

Let me tell you, that people are going into a food coma after this. We all ate dessert, I had some pumpkin pie with whipped cream. I sorta forgotten what it had tasted like. After everyone ate, cleaned up, and put away the rest of the food, we all watched a movie.

Of course most of us changed to pajamas. I decided to bring my actual pajamas, instead of a hoodie, and sweats. I got these because I thought it would be funny, and Scott convinced me. Online shopping is something I did once, and lowkey don't regret at all.

Chris already got dressed, he was in sweats and a plain blue shirt. I swear that guy wears blue as a religion. After I got dressed I put on brown socks, just to make it blend in with the end of the pants. I went back out, and everyone was changed into some sort of pajamas.

No one noticed the pajamas, untill Scott started laughing his ass off. He was the one that chose them, I would've chosen the Iron Man one. Chris looked at the sorce, and saw me in the outfit. He started laughing, everyone was looking at the two knuckle heads who look like they were drugged.

After Dad stopped laughing he asked me a question. I was already sitting right next to him, and people were watching the movie. "Who chose them?" I look at him confusion. "Me?" He gave me a really look. He knows me to well, and plus I love Tony Stark. "Really? Cause I know there probably was IronMan one's, and I also know who love Tony Stark." I shrugged. Scott was looking at us, meanwhile holding in a chuckle.

"Oof. You know too well. Scott chose them, and I thought it would be funny." He smiled. "I knew it." I chuckled, and proceeded back to the movie.

Everyone slowly but surely was falling asleep. First one passed out was Stella, and the last was me. I felt at peace. This is family.

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